Diplomové práce / Theses (KBI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kovářová, Petra
Hnízdění poštolek obecných (Falco tinnunculus) v barelech umístěných na stožárech VVN na jižním Plzeňsku In the nest seasons 2010 and 2011, thirty-two drums hung on very high voltage poles in the south of Pilsen region were regularly monitored. This thesis follows my bachelor thesis (Vacíková, 2010), in which the data were collected by the same method. The gained nesting dat... |
Pítrová, Jana
Rozšíření a početnost kosa černého (Turdus merula), pěnkavy obecné (Fringilla coelebs) a strnada obecného (Emberiza citrinella) v Plzni vzhledem k výskytu straky obecné (Pica pica) This master?s thesis is a follow-up to Martin Jiran?s and my bachelor?s theses, both of which contribute to the research of the impact of the predation of Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) on the occurrence and distribution of selected model songbird species on 21 researched areas... |
Šteklová, Lenka
Návrh naučné stezky Městem Touškovem This thesis presents a project of nature trail of MěstoTouškov. The trail was chosen with the view of content all ecosystems locations. Each stop can introduce you the ecosystems, such as the park, the city, pond, forest, fields and river. Attachments to the thesis are pr... |
Štempáková, Barbora
Vzdělávací oblast "Člověk a jeho svět" jako východisko uplatňování integrace ve ŠVP ZV This Diploma thesis deal with the field of education "Man and his world" as the basis of application of integration in ŠVP ZV (school educational program for basic education). The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is only theoretical and collects ... |
Michl, Vladislav
Fenologické pojetí vzdělávací oblasti "Člověk a jeho svět" a jeho využití ve vyučování This diploma theses deals with application of phenological approach in teaching of educational area "Humans and their World". In theoretical part subjects about nature and society at the lower primary school are analysed and terms from the Framework Educational Programme for Basic&... |
Patová, Jana
Návrh naučné stezky v okolí Rožmitálu pod Třemšínem The Graduate Thesis focuses on the design of the educational trail in Rožmitál pod Třemšínem surroundings. The aim of this educational trail is to introduce the nature and its beauty to the visitors, who will experience the trip through this educational trail. The Thesis is... |
Bučková, Michaela
Fenotypová plasticita zelené řasy Desmodesmus communis vyvolaná změnami pH, teploty a množstvím živin v prostředí This thesis is focused on the study of phenotypic plasticity of the green alga Desmosmodesmus communis. The plasticity was observed when changing abiotic factors during cultivation ? the amount of available nutrients, temperature, pH. Changes in dimensions of cell, cenobia and spines an... |
Dobrá, Lenka
Fenotypová plasticita Desmodesmus communis vyvolaná turbulencemi a přítomností predátorů v prostředí. The aim of this thesis was to detect phenotypic plasticity of Desmodesmus communis caused by kairomons eliminated by predators Daphnia and turbulent environment. Morphological variabilitis of this species were observed (growth of cell and cnobium, spines or projections). Phenotypes found in ... |
Pulkrabová, Eliška
Využití regionálního principu ve výuce přírodovědných předmětů na 1. stupni ZŠ The theoretical part deals with the classification of natural history subjects at first stage primary school in RVP, describing teaching forms and descriptions of interesting places in the region of Jihlava in terms of science. The practical part consists of proposals excursions and... |
Pavlíková, Michaela
Didaktické zpracování přírodovědné stezky na Toužimsku The obligatory education document Framework Educational Programme for basic education contains area Human and his world. This area is also pursues area Place where we live. This thesis deals with one way of implementing the curriculum of the local region. Allows teachers to use... |
Nováková, Kateřina
Planetární naučná stezka u Borotína The thesis suggests possible form of realization of planetary trail in the country, follow-up activities with knowledge obtained on the trail and using of surrounding area in cross-curriculum relation. A component of the thesis is a suggestion of school educational activities, for examp... |
Mrázková, Martina
Sezónní dynamika vybraných druhů střevlíkovitých brouků (Coleoptera; Carabidae) přírodní rezervace Petrovka During March - October 2012 ran in the nature reserve Petrovka monitoring of beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae) with a focus on finding seasonal occurrence of selected species in this area. Were used terrestrial traps installed at various sites in the course of the year found 22&... |
Neumannová, Veronika
Sezónní dynamika pavouků (Araneida) Těchonických drah This research in locality Těchonická draha was doing since April to November 2012. The number of spider (669) included 504 adults and 165 juveniles. These spiders belong to 103 species and 19 families. One of found species has very rare occurrence, it is Glyphesis servulus.... |
Hofmanová, Helena
Praktická parazitologie ve výuce biologie Parasitology is a scientific discipline dealing with parasites, its bearers and mutual relations between the former and the latter. The main goal of the master thesis was to accumulate parasites from three basic areas of parasitology: parasitical protozoans, parasitical helmints and parasiti... |
Rožňová, Jana
Botanický průzkum hradu Klenová a jeho okolí (okr. Klatovy s didaktickým využitím The diploma thesis deals with a botanical research in the area of the Klenová castle and with ways of didactic use of this area by means of a nature trail. The botanical part of the work gathers results of a two-year research in this area. The territory was ... |
Palmová, Hana
Využívání regionálního principu ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a příroda na ZŠ The thesis maps the interesting sites of the region Kladno-Slaný, with emphasis on the local region, i.e., Pchery village and its surroundings. It includes geography, natural and historical characteristics. This school trail proposal is supported by use of the principle of regional, who... |
Hrstka, Jiří
Mapování ruderální flóry a vegetace v Plzni - Újezd, mapové listy: Plzeň 7-4/2 a Plzeň 7-4/4 This thesis studies the ruderal flora and vegetation the Pilsen - Újezd. Specifically, the mapping outlined two areas leaves an area of 1000 x 1250 meters. Map grids are Plzen 7-4/2 and Plzen 7-4/4. Mapped to the generic list was created (Supplement 2). To find ... |
Gedeonová, Jaroslava
Biomonitoring řasové flóry vybraných vodních těles v podhůří Krušných hor. This diploma work deals with four ponds in the north of the Czech Republic. These ponds are located in Černice and Lom. Conductivity, water temperature and pH of the water in the ponds were measured. The list of all algae species which were found is stated in th... |
Kořínková, Vendula
Rozsivková flóra Židovy strouhy. The research of Židova strouha was explored from April to November 2011. The six locations were measured physico-chemical parameters of surface water. Further changes were observed diatomaceous flora during the growing season and abundance of species. According diatoms communities was determined&... |
Kopčová, Jana
Mapování ruderální flóry a vegetace v Plzni - Bolevec, mapové listy:Plzeň 8-2/3 a Plzeň 8-2/4 This work deals with flora and vegetation of city Plzeň, namely in the city part Plzeň-Bolevec in two map quadrants Plzeň 8-2/3 and Plzeň 8-2/4. The studied region has an area of about 2.5 km2. Then the list of plant species was created from data (supplement... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra biologie / Department of Biology
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