Bakalářské práce / Bakalářská práce (KPV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jecha, Jan
Standardizace pracovišť ve společnosti The bachelor thesis is focused on the standardization of a workplace in a manufacturing company using 5S and TPM methods. The theoretical part of the thesis elaborates the knowledge that is needed to understand the research problem. The practical part deals with the analysis o... |
Rumlová, Alena
Ergonomie pracoviště The bachelor thesis on workplace ergonomics deals with the rationalisation of the workplace from an ergonomic point of view. The first part of the thesis is devoted to theoretical research mainly in the field of ergonomics. In the practical part of the thesis, selected ergonom... |
Švestka, Jan
Programování průmyslového robota s využitím rozšířené reality The bachelor's thesis focuses on the use of augmented reality in industrial robotics with the main goal of implementing the ARCOR2 development platform for a collaborative robot from Fanuc. The research part of the thesis provides a detailed description of the areas of robotics... |
Valter, Petr
Návrh motivačního systému v průmyslovém podniku The thesis deals with the analysis of motivational system in a selected industrial enterprise, the evaluation of motivational tools used and the design of own motivational system. In the theoretical part, the concept of motivation, its context in industrial enterprises and how companies... |
Chval, Jakub
Průmysl 5.0 a jeho vliv na společnost The aim of this thesis is to describe the main characteristics, values and objectives of the Industry 5.0. This trend builds upon three fundamental pillars: human-centricity, sustainability and resiliency. There are several enterprises, companies and projects implementing the principles of Indust... |
Král, Filip
Tvorba univerzálního prostředí ve virtuální realitě pro interakci s průmyslovými 3D modely The bachelor thesis contains a research of virtual reality technology and software used for creating applications. The aim of this thesis is to create a virtual reality application in which different ways of interacting with industrial 3D models will be presented. This application ... |
Matějka, Tomáš
Vybrané technické příklady v Power Query The bachelor thesis focuses on BI tools within Excel and their use in practice. The aim of the thesis is to create a set of technical examples that would serve as support material for the study of the subject KPV/PVT2. |
Bunková, Zdena
Návrh na zlepšení skladu náhradních dílů The bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of spare parts warehouse utilization in Kermi s.r.o. The content of this thesis is the analysis of the whole process of warehousing and the work performed by the warehouse operators. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the kn... |
Šobr, Šimon
Využití nástrojů umělé inteligence pro tvorbu aplikací do průmyslových podniků This bachelor thesis discusses the possible uses of artificial intelligence tools within the field of software development. Furthermore, it details the workflow of creating a training virtual reality application. The final part deals with the comparison of a standard workflow when developing... |
Hajný, Jakub
Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci This Bachelor thesis deals with the subject of occupational safety and health. It focuses on workplace safety through thorough analysis and then proposes possible corrective measures. |
Jíchová, Lucie
Racionalizace a standardizace pracoviště The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of rationalization and standardization of the workplace in the company CHRIST CAR WASH s.r.o. Mainly, it deals with the analysis of the assembly line and the identification of weak points during the assembly. Based on the analysis, meas... |
Hadáček, Jakub
Analýza produktivity práce v průmyslovém podniku This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of labour productivity in an industrial enterprise. The chosen industrial enterprise was Konplan s.r.o. The analysis of labour productivity in the departments of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and software development was ... |
Kolářík, Vojtěch
Hodnocení mobilních aplikací pro měření hluku a osvětlení The main objective of the bachelor thesis was to determine whether current mobile devices can provide correct measurement of light intensity and noise using installed mobile applications. After introducing the different mobile devices, the installed applications and the calibrated devices, we... |
Nový, Vojtěch
Zlepšení procesu na výrobní lince The present thesis proposes optimization of the researched workplace, which will lead to the improvement of the workplace itself and the production process carried out in the industrial company Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o. The theoretical part of the work... |
Vlček, Ondřej
Analýza systému skladování materiálu This thesis deals with the analysis of the material storage system in the machinery division of STREICHER, spol. s.r.o. Pilsen. The goal of this work is to analyze the current state of material storage in the company, identify problem areas and then present proposals... |
Kopová, Barbora
Možnosti využití Power BI ve vzdělávací instituci The bachelor thesis focuses on the use of Power BI in an educational institution. The theoretical part deals with Business Intelligence and the possibilities of data analysis and visualization. The thesis contains a report called FST Maps, created in the Power BI tool. The rep... |
Horník, Martin
Řízení lidských zdrojů ve vybraném průmyslovém podniku The bachelor thesis focuses on human resource management in an industrial company. The theoretical part summarizes the basic principles and methods of the chosen field. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the analysis and development proposal in a specific industrial ent... |
Kasipovićová, Anne-Maria
Tvorba edukační aplikace pro projekt Chytrá včelí laboratoř The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to create an educational application for the Inteligent Bee-Hive Laboratory Project. The application is intended to serve as an educational tool to provide an insight into the functioning and monitoring of beehives on th... |
Bakeš, Martin
Využití virtuální reality pro BOZP The bachelor thesis contains information connected with virtual reality and its goal is to create an application which could be used as a part of OSH training while focusing on hazardous waste. The application for virtual reality includes important information which can... |
Jezl, Vojtěch
Testování orientace ve virtuálním prostoru pomocí různých \nl{}možností ovládání The bachelor thesis deals with the creation of 9 simulation environments in Unity, for 3 different types of control in virtual reality. It records the progress of testing with the developed methodology on a sample of 15 people. Also included is a discussion of the results... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management