Applied mechanics 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Turjanicová, Jana
Rohan, Eduard
Numerical simulation of quasi-static model of ionic transport through deformable porous media The paper deals with the computational model of quasi-static transport of 2-component electrolyte solution transport trough deformable porous medium respecting material microstructure. The multiscale approach is used to derive effective tensors describing macroscopic homogenized body. Numerical simulation are... |
Tinoco, H. A.
Holzer, J.
Pikálek, T.
Buchta, Z.
Lazar, J.
Chlupová, A.
Kruml, T.
Hutař, Pavel
Estimation of mechanical parameters of thin films using finite element analysis This study shows a methodology to estimate mechanical parameters of thin films by means of a bulge test and a numerical approach. The methodology is based on the combination of finite element analysis with a classical analytical method. Finite element modelling was conducted for... |
Špička, Jan
Hajžman, Michal
Bielak, Ondrej
Masák, Jan
Sensitivity analysis of the crack evaluation for steam turbine casings loaded by pressure and temperatures The operation of steam turbines is related to the extreme conditions such as high pressure and temperature, which can lead to fatigue issues and subsequent undesirable problems. This paper is focused on the methodology for the fracture analysis of turbine casings. The evaluation me... |
Smolík, Luboš
Post-processing techniques for response of non-linear systems Challenges in modern engineering require implementation of more and more complex computational models. The computational models are often non-linear and even a slight modification of a design parameter can cause qualitative changes in a predicted response. Several visualisation methods which impr... |
Šmach, Jiří
Halama, Radim
Marek, Martin
Advanced testing in rolling contact fatigue for wheel material investigation Presented paper deals with advanced testing in rolling contact fatigue for wheel material investigation for one type of material, which is used for production process of rail wheel rims. These days, there is no EU standard, which would specify rolling contact fatigue test condition... |
Slávik, Ondrej
Hutař, Pavel
Berer, Michael
Gosch, Anja
Arbeiter, Florian
Náhlík, Luboš
Study of mixed mode crack propagation in pipe type specimen Fatigue specimens loaded in mixed mode are not used commonly. One of the reasons for this is that there are still not enough qualitative results, based on which it would be possible to tell in what way are the mode II and mode III affecting overall crack propaga... |
Rendlová, Zdeňka
The dynamic behavior of the fast rotating system in dependence on operating parameters of bearing supports Typical components of many industrial devices are rotating parts. In case of automotive engines, turbochargers are used in order to increase the engine efficiency. These turbochargers are understood as relatively small rotating parts working in aggressive conditions. Although they are usually... |
Rendl, Jan
Zilli, Leonardo
Sedláček, František
Investigation of driving properties for formula Student This paper deals with the investigation of driving properties such as rolling resistance of the chassis during the cornering and the effect of anti-roll bars on this phenomenon. This variable has a significant influence on the change of loading forces at tire contact patches, ... |
Przeczková, Jana
Halama, Radim
Bartecký, Matěj
Study of influence of material models on ovalization prediction The aim of this article is the study of the influence of the different material models as Prager, Prager combined with nonlinear isotropic hardening and Chaboche fitted on low carbon steel 11523. The influence of mentioned material model is examined on resulted ovalization for ... |
Polach, Pavel
Hajžman, Michal
Bulín, Radek
Selected problems solved in Pilsen using multibody dynamics The paper informs on some problems solved during approximately past twenty years in Pilsen using multibody simulations. Naturally, the list of activities is not comprehensive, it concerns activities of the authors in Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o. and in the Department of M... |
Poduška, Jan
Hutař, Pavel
Kučera, Jaroslav
Frank, Andreas
Arbeiter, Florian
Náhlík, Luboš
Factors influencing CRB test results This contribution deals with simulation of fracture behaviour of specimens for CRB (cracked round bar) test. These specimens are used for accelerated testing of polymer materials’ performance for piping applications. The CRB test is one of the most effective methods of testing due ... |
Pecka, Aleš
Bublík, Ondřej
Vimmr, Jan
FlowPro: multipurpose CFD software written in Java FlowPro is a multipurpose open-source CFD software, which is being developed by the researchers of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the University ofWest Bohemia. FlowPro is designed to solve various non-linear systems of hyperbolic-parabolic partial differen... |
Paulech, Juraj
Kutiš, Vladimír
Murín, Justín
Goga, Vladimír
Gálik, Gabriel
Sedlár, Tibor
The electro-thermal link finite element for multiphysical analysis with 3D spatial functionally graded material properties The paper presents homogenization process of electric and thermal material properties in link structure made of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) with functionally prescribed change of these material properties in all three orthogonal directions inside the bar. Numerical experiment with developed... |
Šedivý, Ondřej
Padovec, Zdeněk
Kulíšek, Viktor
Růžička, Milan
Design and analysis of hybrid (metal/composite) upper case of the gearbox Presented paper deals with possible design of metal/composite gearbox for electric car. Composite parts of the gearbox were manufactured by wet lay-up technology with the use of C/Epoxy fabrics, housings of the bearings were metal. Main goal is to reach equivalent stiffness an... |
Machalla, Vojtěch
Frydrýšek, Karel
Mostýn, Vladimír
Suder, Jiří
Evaluation of tensile test for specific polymer Presented article deals with realization and evaluation of the tensile tests. The tensile tests are used for determining of material properties of thin polymers (plastic) films that are used for manufacturing windows. These plastic films are placed between plates glasses and reflects th... |
Lukeš, Vladimír
Zemčík, Hana
Identification of material parameters using homogenization approach and SfePy software The finite element solver SfePy and Python modules are used to identify the material parameters of the carbon fibers and the epoxy matrix which constitute a unidirectional long-fiber composite. The mathematical model of the heterogeneous structure is base on two-scale homogenization method... |
Kutiš, Vladimír
Murín, Justín
Paulech, Juraj
Gálik, Gabriel
Goga, Vladimír
Piezoelectric finite element beam for smart structures The paper deals with finite beam element with piezoelectric layers and functionally graded material of core. In the process of homogenization of FGM core and piezoelectric layers direct integration method and multilayer method is used. There is also presented the derivation of individua... |
Krejčová, Milada
Holeček, Miroslav
Chełminiak, Przemysław
The measurement of single myosin head in Fokker-Planck framework and information gain Muscles on a molecular level are created by actin and myosin filaments. In this scale, it is necessary to take into an account thermal fluctuations – describe in terms of Brownian motion. Due to the motion, it is impossible to predict exact position of a single myosi... |
Kolman, Radek
Kopačka, Ján
Gonzalez, Jose
Gabriel, Dušan
Soon Cho, Sang
Plešek, Jiří
Park, K. C.
Recent progress in numerical methods for explicit finite element analysis In this paper, a recent progress in explicit finite element analysis is discussed. Properties and behaviour of classical explicit time integration in finite element analysis of elastic wave propagation and contact-impact problems based on penalty method in contact-impact problems are summarized.&... |
Kocáb, Jiří
Kottner, Radek
Heczko, Jan
Krystek, Jan
Shear and torsion tests of viscoelastic materials The main scope of the paper are shear and torsion tests of cork-composite Amorim ACM87. The material is a particle composite with viscoelastic properties. In order to investigate the behaviour of viscoelastic materials, performance of specific mechanical experiments is important. Some materi... |
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- Applied mechanics
- 30 2018