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Ungr, Tomáš
Moc, Pavel
Inteligentní elektroisntalace This article is about programming intelligent electrical installations. In the first chapter, we will describe the chosen technology itself, including the tools needed for research and the environment in which we programmed. The second chapter focuses on the tasks c... |
Soukup, Vojtěch
Turek, Jonáš
Moc, Pavel
Siemens Logo na základní škole The project using an industrial PLC controller was our semester work for the KMT/AMKB subject. The goal was to create an educational tool for elementary school students using a purely industrial component such as Siemens Logo to develop their awareness of automation as such... |
Housarová, Pavlína
Honzíková, Jarmila
Edukační karty pro práci se dřevem na 1. stupni základní školy The educational area World and the world of work for the 1st grade of the elementary school includes the section Working with small materials, where children work with various materials and thus learn manual skills, get to know tools, tools and aids for this work. The... |
Kohout, Jiří
Stacke, Václav
Kuberská, Markéta
Konečná, Petra
Masopust, Pavel
Ferdiánová, Věra
Mentlík, Pavel
Slavík, Jan
Transformace obsahu ve třídě: vliv detailů výuky na žákovské porozumění struktuře vědecké znalosti The aim of the study, in the context of the historical development of didactics, is to analytically explain the theoretical construct of content transformation including the structure of its sub-terms, to justify its operationalization for the research of relations between teaching and... |
Tomášková, Tetjana
Krotký, Jan
Honzíková, Jarmila
A new way to teach sustainable development in school The article is focused on new ways of teaching sustainable development in schools. The aim of the article is to present historical milestones, to summarize brief information about the goals and concept of sustainable development, about global education in the s... |
Soukup, Vojtěch
Turek, Jonáš
Moc, Pavel
Siemens logo for primary school The project using an industrial PLC controller was our semester work for the KMT/AMKB subject. The goal was to create an educational tool for elementary school students using a purely industrial component such as Siemens Logo to develop their awareness of automation... |
Pál, Jakub
Moc, Pavel
Programming intelligent wiring in the home at primary school This article deals with automation in the home with a focus on intelligent electrical installations. In general, the meaning and concept of automation is involved in the everyday life of a person in order to give the reader a basic idea of its importance.... |
Housarová, Pavlína
Honzíková, Jarmila
Educational cards for working with wood for the 1st grade of primary school The educational area World and the world of work for the 1st grade of the elementary school includes the section Working with small materials, where children work with various materials and thus learn manual skills, get to know tools, tools and aids for this... |
Buršíková, Dana
Kohout, Jiří
Bílková, Zuzana
Jošt, Jiří
Knowledge of and attitudes towards epilepsy among homeroom teachers of children with epilepsy in the Czech Republic Objective: Significant attention has been devoted to knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy among teachers, and the importance of their previous experience with epilepsy has been proved. However, no information about a specific group of homeroom teachers is available despite their import... |
Vakili, Mohammadtaghi
Gholami, Fatemeh
Zwain, Haider M.
Wang, Wei
Mojiri, Amin
Tomáš, Martin
Cagnetta, Giovanni
Gholizadeh, Reza
Dastyar, Wafa
Gholami, Zahra
Removal of GenX by APTES functionalized diepoxyoctane cross-linked chitosan beads Perfluoro-2-propoxypropanoic acid ammonium salt, commonly known as GenX, is a persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic synthetic organofluorine compound utilized in producing various products. It has become a concern due to its extensive presence in the aquatic environment and its resistance to con... |
Šafránková, Jana Marie
Coufalová, Jana
Šikýř, Martin
The quality assessment methods of teaching in Czech Republic The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen is the only public higher education institution in the Pilsen Region. The evalution of the quality and the evalution of education at universities, methods of evaluating teaching and assessment are one of the key criteria for university ... |
Šafránková, Jana Marie
Šikýř, Martin
Coufalová, Jana
Development and support of higher education in the Pilsen region Based on the authorś scientific cooperation research resultr, and teaching experience, the goal article is to analyze examples of development and support of higher education in the Pilsen region. |
Krotký, Jan
Honzíková, Jarmila
Reakce učitelů na zjištění přítomnosti podvádění při ověřování znalostí na střední škole The article presents answers in the form of opinions of high school teachers on school cheating. A questionnaire survey of hundreds of high school teachers found out the main directions in tackling cheating in knowledge verification, especially in testing. Almost half of the respon... |
Armakolas, Stefanos
Griva, Anastasia
Zotos, Christos
The utilization of STEM methodology and the new role of the teacher Nowadays, technology is rapidly finding its place many areas of daily life while decisively influencing many human activities. In addition, it continues to have a significant impact in the field of education, especially in secondary education. Today, most schools in Greece are equipped&... |
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Predictors of the Effectiveness of Different Approaches to Pandemic Distance Learning Significant attention has been devoted to the forced switch to distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some aspects of this issue that are very important for practice are still understudied. The aim of this study is to describe the development of ... |
Kohout, Jiří
Šiška, Jan
Beadle-Brown, Julie
Čáslava, Pavel
Truhlářová, Zuzana
Measuring the Perceived Importance of Indicators of the Quality of Social Care Services Purpose: We aimed to develop and validate an instrument measuring perceived importance of indicators of the quality of social care services in different groups of stakeholders. Method: 671 respondents (249 representatives of public administration, 217 social service... |
Honzíková, Jarmila
Přírodní textilní vlákna v edukaci pro budoucnost Long and flat fabrics are one of the materials that children get to know at an early age in the form of clothes. At the first stage of primary school, they not only work with this material, they also know the ways of its acquisition and processing. The curr... |
Kazana, Athina
Armakolas, Stefanos
Kazantzis, Savvas
Krotký, Jan
The Teacher’s Cognitive Role in the Efficiency of Distance Education: A Case Study This paper aims to examine preservice teachers’ views of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPAITE) regarding the skills of online teachers-counselors and the effectiveness of distance education during the pandemic of COVID-19. The aim of the conducted study is related... |
Čubová, Andrea
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Schopnost dětí v mateřské škole řešit různé druhy porovnávání Multiple preschool establishments participated at an experiment with the aim to assess children’s ability to solve diverse types of comparison-related problems. Children in the age of 5–6 years were included in this experiment. 12 tasks were created with focus on natural, basic, reduced... |
Moc, Pavel
Programování počítačem řízených strojů na ZŠ – předvýzkum In primary education, we usually only encounter the programming computer-controlled machines with 3D printing. Schools usually do not have other machines, for example, CNC milling machine, laser milling machine, etc. The incriminated issue can of course also be applied to other&... |