Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 91
Škrlant, Miroslav
Přesnost řízení asynchronního pohonu

This thesis is divided to a two parts. At the first part are results of variably additions of asynchronous drives. For every types of addition parts are specific condition for use of it. Specific parts of additions are sensors of rotate, and specific fuction of it du...

Sedláček, Jan
Měření účinnosti stínění

The diploma thesis focuses on the measurement of shielding effectiveness and its goal is to propose a suitable measurement method based on research. The research contains a comprehensive overview of currently used methods for determining the shielding effectiveness, both standardized and non...

Světlík, Petr
Možnosti využití Dynamické mechanické analýzy pro testování materiálů

This thesis deals with theory of structural analysis and it is deeply focused on dynamic mechanical analysis. Theoretical part describes theory of important thermal analysis. Theory of dynamical mechanical analysis is described more in detail. In practical part is this analysis used to&...

Cimr, Vratislav
Vysokonapěťové zdroje a měřicí obvody pro potřeby nukleární instrumentace

This work deals with high voltage sources and measuring circuits for use in nuclear instrumentation. In the first part, an analysis of the requirements for high-voltage sources and measuring circuits and a description of high-voltage sources and their measuring circuits is ...

Iška, František
Kompenzace zemních poruch pomocí spínaného zdroje proudu připojeného k uzlu soustavy

This master thesis is focused on the compensation of the earth fault current in ineffectively grounded grids using a semiconductor converter connected to the neutral point of the grid. In the theoretical part, the issue of the formation of an earth fault, its negative conseque...

Beneš, Jan
Analýza materiálového toku výrobního podniku

The work deals with the analysis of the material flow in the production company and the subsequent optimization of the found deficiencies

Lodr, Jakub
Připojení fotovoltaických panelů k síti pomocí vícehladinového měniče

This qualification thesis presents a design of a laboratory prototype of a multilevel converter that is used for connecting a photovoltaic power plant to the grid. The introductory section describes the basic properties of the proposed solution, and algorithms for controlling the multil...

Szmitek, Zdeněk
Ostrovní provozy obnovitelných zdrojů elektrické energie

The thesis deals with the topic of island operations of renewable energy sources. The introductory part of the thesis is devoted to an overview of renewable energy sources that are used in our territory. This is followed by a chapter that focuses on the impact of ren...

Slavík, Ondřej
Faktory ovlivňující výsledky výpočtů zkratových proudů

This diploma thesis deals with the theory of short circuits in the power system and the practical calculation of short circuits. The theoretical part is focused on the theory of short circuits in the AC power system, specifically the classification of short circuits wit...

Rychlík, Zdeněk
Analýza procesu samouzdravování polymeru na bázi vnitřní samoregenerace

This thesis focuses on self-healing polymers. It addresses the development of the self-healing effect and its utilization in the fields of electrical engineering and energy. Furthermore, it explores methods for verifying the effectiveness of the repair process, as well as techniques employed...

Staněk, Michal
Návrh fotovoltaické elektrárny v ostrovním režimu

The aim of the present diploma thesis is to design an off-grid photovoltaic power system for a specific family house and evaluate its functionality as well as efficiency using a simulation software tool. The theoretical part of the thesis describes and analyses the basic types...

Novotný, Martin
Zkratové poměry na energetickém zdroji v Plané nad Lužnicí

The theoretical part of this thesis presents the C-Energy Planá s.r.o. heating plant and the individual technologies used in the heating plant. Furthermore, the problems of the modernization of the Czech power grid and the related reconstruction of the transmission line to which th...

Krejnická, Tereza
Možnosti využití setrvačníků při řízení provozu elektrizační soustavy

This paper deals with analysis of currently used method for transmission system control and proposes a design of means of improving the grid stability. The stability is continually dropping because of increasing number of renewable resources installed and it causes a decrease in in...

Dvořák, Filip
Návrh mřížové sítě nn pro optimalizaci provozních poměrů v lokalitě Plzeň

This thesis deals with the design of the reconguration of the existing low-voltage network in the locality of Plzeň-Slovany to the grid network. This reconguration could be a way to prepare not only the selected network, but in general all low-voltage distribution networks for ...

Forgáč, Jan
Beton s příměsí polyetylénu a karbidu bóru jako stínící materiál tělesa obalového souboru pro vyhořelé jaderné palivo

The aim of this work is to outline the methods of handling spent nuclear fuel and the types of spent fuel casks used for this purpose. Furthermore, a newly designed shielding material based on concrete with the addition of polyethylene and boron carbide is compared with&#...

Dolejší, Adam
Optimalizace návrhu FV systému pro Táborsko

This diploma thesis deals with the optimal design of the photovoltaic system in a specific location. In this location, four different types of commercially available panels were installed and long-time data about the operation of panels were collected. The measurement system on the ...

Dědek, Miloš
Připojování menších obnovitelných zdrojů energie do distribuční sítě

This diploma thesis focuses on the problems caused by the integration of renewable energy resources into distribution networks. The main objective of this thesis is to describe these problems and propose possible solutions. To accomplish this, specific solutions will be applied to a...

Dlouhý, Jakub
Využití mikrozdrojů při obnově soustavy po poruše typu Black-out

This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the use of micro-resources in the restoration of the electricity system. In the first part of the work, a part of the dispatch control important for the second part of the work is briefly described. Furthermore, the defense ...

Blažek, Ondřej
Statistické vyhodnocení normalizovaných zkušebních metod v technice vysokého napětí

This master thesis is focused on statistical evaluation of standardized test methods in high voltage engineering. First part of the thesis briefly describes some of the standardized test methods with respect to their demands in terms of voltage shape, generating high voltage and al...

Čulík, Jan
Řízení fotovoltaické elektrárny

In the first part, this thesis deals with the design of a rooftop photovoltaic power plant for use in a family house and the simulation of the designed power plant in the PV Sol program. This model compares and quantifies the influence of consumption management on li...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 91