Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 91
Bárta, Michael
Využití real-time prediktivních simulací pro energetický management

In this master's thesis, I will focus on the issue of real-time prediction in the field of energy. The reason for undertaking this work is the lack of awareness and minimal utilization of this topic in the energy sector. The thesis is divided into a theoretical a...

Machatý, David
Numerické analýzy odpojovače vysokého napětí 22kV

Submitted diploma thesis is about the numerical analyzes of medium voltage disconnector 25 kV made for the distribution network of medium voltage 22 kV. The analyzes are focused on the selected disciplines of the type tests. The thesis is leaded up to the options of virtu...

Strnad, Martin
Využití fotovoltaických systémů pro energetické zásobení čerpacích stanic

The submitted diploma thesis should serve the company operating the network of filling stations as a basis that will facilitate orientation in the issue of photovoltaics and help in deciding whether it is currently advantageous to invest in the construction of a photovoltaic power&...

Naxer, Ondřej
Adaptivní model chování bateriového systému pro elektromobilitu

The aim of this diploma thesis is to set up the mathematical model for a typical battery system used in electromobility, in accordance with the real operating values, actual battery state, driver's profile, and ambient conditions. The output of this mathematical model is the&#x...

Zmeko, Filip
Návrh a realizace laboratorního demonstrátoru supravodivého jevu

This work provides a comprehensive overview of superconductivity in the first part, whereas the second part describes the key steps during the realization of a laboratory demonstrator of a superconducting phenomenon in the form of levitating train. The main goal of the first part&#...

Koutenský, David
Analýza působení přepěťových ochran a odrušovacích prvků

The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the effect of surge protectors and interference suppression elements. The theoretical part of the work is a description of the origin and propagation of interfering signals, their possible consequences on the device and prevention and r...

Cihla, Tomáš
Možnosti kontaktního měření teplot otáčející se vsázky při jejím indukčním kalení

The focus of my diploma thesis is in the field of electrothermal processes, namely in the field of contact temperature measurement during induction hardening of a rotating charge. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part I discuss the po...

Mičo, Lukáš
Hybridní (fotovoltaika a větrná energie) systém pro zásobování odlehlého objektu elektřinou

The presented master thesis is focused on the design of a hybrid system for supplying a remote building with electricity. Part of the master thesis is a basic introduction to the production of electricity from solar and wind energy. Furthermore, the individual components from...

Kanta, Tomáš
Vývoj energetického využití biomasy v České republice

This master thesis deals with different types of biomass and their energy utilization. The main focus is on combined heat and power generation (cogeneration). The potential of biomass in the energy sector is first introduced from the theoretical point of view. The practical part&#x...

Jírů, Václav
Vyhodnocení výskytu krátkodobých přerušení a poklesů napětí s ohledem na stanovení směrných hodnot

This diploma thesis deals with possible approaches to evaluate the occurrence of voltage dips and short interruptions in the context of power quality regulation. Thus, the quality of electricity supply and its regulation in the Czech Republic is specified here, also regulation in f...

Myšák, Martin
Návrh nového primárního zdroje pro teplárnu Plzeň

The diploma thesis focuses on a new design of the primary source in the company Plzeňská Teplárenská. The combined heat and power generation principles are described, and the main types of heating plants are analysed. This part of the thesis is followed by a description o...

Kojzar, Lukáš
Koncepční návrh nového zdroje tepla spalující biomasu

In the presented diploma thesis there is developed a technical-economic model designed for the initial evaluation of the intended variants of the new heat source in the Poříčí location. The first part describes the principles of energy heat production, both from a physical point&#x...

Calda, Radek
Návrh a optimalizace BLDC motoru

This thesis deals with the design of a BLDC machine with 3D printed rotor. The design is based on a real machine REX 30. Using simulations based on a finite element method, the material of a rotor was replaced and the permanent magnets layout was optimized with ...

Forejtek, David
Řízení linky E-robot PLC automatem

The thesis deals with the design and implementation of software for PLC and HMI of~the~experimental robotic workplace for the production of birdhouse. The software architecture is mainly based on an object-oriented approach and modularity. Abstraction and generalization principles are widely used...

Rödl, Martin
Návrh modelu robotického manipulátoru

The diploma thesis deals with the design of the manipulator from the point of view of mechanical design, selection of components, motor control, and control system. The thesis describes the design of the manipulator 3D model, then describes the method of selecting the component...

Müller, Vojtěch
Parametrické modelování spotřeby elektrické energie pomocí prediktivních metod

This diploma thesis deals with parametric load modeling using predictive methods. The first part of the thesis is a research of current trends in predictive methods. From the options provided by the research, two methods were selected and further elaborated. Subsequently, the applicabil...

Rokůsek, Daniel
Simulace v technice vysokého napětí

The following text deals with the application of simulation tools in high voltage technology, especially in the areas of high voltage tests, insulation coordination and partial discharges. With the rise of computer technology, the real potential of using simulation software to optimize ...

Masař, Patrik
Vysokofrekvenční charakteristika výbojů na stejnosměrném napětí

The expeted diploma thesis deals with laboratory measurement of high-freaquency characteristics from corona discharge on several models of direct current lines. The theoretical part of diploma thesis deals with basic physical concepts related to developmental activities. The separate and non-ind...

Míšek, Václav
Případová studie pro připojení fotovoltaické elektrárny s velkokapacitním bateriovým systémem

The diploma thesis deals with a case study of the operation of photovoltaic and wind power plants with storage batteries. The first part mentions an overview of legislative and technical conditions for connecting plants and storage facilities to the distribution network. Further, the&#x...

Truhlář, David
Vliv stejnosměrné složky proudu na chybu převodu přístrojových transformátorů proudu

The diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The first part of the work is focused on the description of the parameters of instrument transformers and the description of the phenomenon of supersaturation of the instrument transformer core. The second part is focused on prac...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 91