Diplomové práce / Theses (KUP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 257
Hurtík, Jiří
Ústavněprávní postavení politických stran v ČR - aktuální problémy

This thesis focuses on the constitutional legal status of political parties in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the thesis is to analyse the position of political parties from the constitutional point of view, with regard to the common laws and regulations of the Europ...

Bartoňová, Klára
Lidská důstojnost jako esenciální ústavní princip

The subject of this thesis is the view of human dignity as the principle of constitutional law. The first chapter is dedicated to different relevant views and concepts of human dignity, the most important views of it. Also there are other terms, that are closely rel...

Kocmánková, Sára
Svoboda slova a ochrana soukromí ve světle judikatury Ústavního soudu ČR a Evropského soudu pro lidská práva

This thesis focuses on the issue of freedom of speech and protection of privacy in the legal context, especially in the light of the case law of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the European Court of Human Rights. The thesis analyses the decisions o...

Kůrka, Martin
Souběh národního a unijního soutěžního práva

Qualification work comprehensively, not exhaustively, analyses rather unique situation, where the national competitive authority applies both national and European competition law in concurrence. It deals with the origin of such approach, the legal framework for cooperation between national competition...

Čekelová, Tereza
Ochrana osobnostních práv politiků

This diploma thesis concerns the protection of personality rights of politically active individuals. The introductory chapters are dedicated to a general interpretation discussing personality rights as a whole, the historical development of personality rights, and the significance of the concept ...

Zdeněk, Jakub
Výkon trestu odnětí svobody v ústavněprávních souvislostech

This thesis deals with the execution of imprisonment in constitutional law contexts. For this purpose, the thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part focuses on the interpretation of the concept of imprisonment and the basic principles for its imposition from a co...

Vondrák, Petr
Předsednictví ČR v Radě EU v letech 2009 a 2022

This diploma thesis discusses the presidency of the Czech Republic in the Council of the EU in 2009 and 2022. It is divided into three part. In the first part the thesis focuses on the presidency in 2009. Here, the thesis spend time on the priorities that were&#...

Vobroučková, Anna
Meze projevů náboženského vyznání v současných demokratických státech

Religious boundaries and freedoms are complex issues. This paper first examines the historical context and its relevance for the present time. There have been many conflicts in the history of religion, and these have influenced the current shape of the rights and responsibilities t...

Lomičová, Kateřina
Úmluva Rady Evropy o prevenci a potírání násilí vůči ženám a domácího násilí ve světle práva Evropské unie

This thesis examines various aspects of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, or the Istanbul Convention. The first chapter focuses on comparing the Istanbul Convention with other international treaties dealing with women's&...

Kořínek, Tobiáš
Rakouské ústavní soudnictví

The thesis focuses on the Austrian constitutional judiciary. In the introductory chapter, the author examines the development, structure and significance of the constitutional court in the context of Austria's federal structure. The author then focuses primarily on the characteristics...

Richterová, Anna
Právo na život ve světle soudní judikatury

The topic of this diploma thesis is the right to life in the light of judical case law. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to characterize the basic concept of the right to life in terms of the Czech Republic ( including individual aspects of this...

Stawiarzová, Tereza
Vymezení svobody projevu a potřeby regulace sociálních sítí

This thesis discusses freedom of expression on social media, specifically looking at the various pitfalls of social media and the need to regulate them. This thesis is based on the belief that social media are nowadays a very widespread tool through which it is possible t...

Hilya, Szófia
Institut dočasné ochrany v ČR v aktuálním kontextu

The present thesis deals with the topic of the institution of temporary protection in the Czech Republic in the current context, and therefore pays due attention to temporary protection as a very effective and flexible instrument of international protection sui generis, which aims ...

Pádecká, Veronika
Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika EU ve vztahu k vybraným státům

The thesis concerns the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union. First of all, the thesis focuses on the historical context of the European integration process, reviewing the history of foreign and security policy in relation to the original European Communities, t...

Slavíková, Andrea
Ochrana majetku ve světle judikatury Ústavního soudu ČR a Evropského soudu pro lidská práva

As the title implies, this diploma thesis discusses the protection of property in the context of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the European Court of Human Rights. The entire content of the thesis is divided into four chapters. The ...

Bucháček, Lukáš
Žaloba na neplatnost aktu EU

This thesis deals with the procedural aspects of an action for annulment, focusing in particular on issues of admissibility. These are thoroughly analysed and the key issues are discussed, with several possible solutions presented. Good amount of focus is dedicated to the concept o...

Strejcová, Adéla
Právní aspekty techniky data pooling v EU

The thesis deals with the legal aspects of datapooling in the European Union in terms of the legal aspects of the technologies used, the protection of personal and non-personal data and competition. It also deals with the legalities of SLAs and DSAs in datapooling.

Spousta, Jiří
Střet zákonné povinnosti informovaného souhlasu pacienta s doktrínou ústavní ochrany veřejného zdraví ve světle judikatury nejvyšších soudů

The very core of the research is the search for an answer to our research thesis, whether the concept of the legal doctrine of public health protection (the so-called OVZ) is absolute and that so precisely in the sense of a crisis (unprecedented) public health threat ...

Hons, Radek
Úřednické vlády

This thesis focuses on caretaker governments, which are often formed in parliamentary democracies in situations where it is not possible to form a stable political government. These governments are usually made up of apolitical officials or experts, and their main task is to ensure...

Podhirna, Václav
Vztah státu a náboženského práva

This diploma thesis focuses on various aspects of the relationship between the state and religious law. In the beginning of the thesis, it analyzes the issue of important concepts, then it works with the historical part. In the third chapter, sources of law are processed, ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 257