Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Chromý, David
Spolehlivost vybraného (vybraných) indikátoru technické analýzy This bachelor thesis deals with the reliability analysis of selected technical analysis indicators on selected stock titles. The first chapter deals with the definition of technical analysis and indicators, investment psychology and basic points of risk management in trading. The subsequent ... |
Čermák, Jan
Souvislost doby odbavení s typem vozidla MHD This work deals with the analysis of correlations between dwell time and the type of vehicles in urban public transportation (PT) using the example of bus line 33 of the Pilsen city transportation company. For the purposes of this work, operational data on dwell time and&... |
Nolč, Radek
Webové aplikace This bachelor thesis focuses on the development of a web application that automates the process of registering students for exams. Modern technologies were selected for implementation: TypeScript with the React framework is used on the client side, while the server side of the appl... |
Špíral, Petr
Vývoj aplikací pro mobilní telefony This thesis focuses on the development of mobile applications. The goal is to develop a mobile application and subsequently distribute it to application stores. The sub-goals include selecting and evaluating alternatives for mobile app development, conducting market research, designing functionalities... |
Macner, David
Business Intelligence a rizika její implementace This thesis deals with the analysis of risks associated with the implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) in the corporate environment. Through a review of literature and recent studies, key factors that influence the success of BI deployment are identified. Furthermore, the paper e... |
Hladký, Daniel
Použitelnost webu vybraných institucí The topic of this bachelor thesis is the evaluation of the usability of the websites of selected statutory cities. The websites of Pilsen, Jihlava and Olomouc are evaluated. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the concepts of accessibility and usability. As a theoretical... |
Halbych, Jan
Analýza potencionálních faktorů dlouhodobého hospodářského růstu ČR This banchelor thesis deals with the long-term growth of the Czech economy. First, there is presented on the basis of macroeconomics theory why long-therm economic growth is based on the potential product and on the quantitative and qualitative level of the factors of production.... |
Kamír, Adam
Spolehlivost vybraných indikátorů technické analýzy na trh kryptoměn This bachelor thesis deals with the technical analysis of the cryptocurrency market, more specifically two cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Ether), and focuses on the reliability of the RSI and MACD indicators. The main objective of the thesis is to describe each indicator and then ev... |
Kamír, Adam
Spolehlivost vybraných indikátorů technické analýzy na trh kryptoměn This bachelor thesis deals with the technical analysis of the cryptocurrency market, more specifically two cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Ether), and focuses on the reliability of the RSI and MACD indicators. The main objective of the thesis is to describe each indicator and then ev... |
Haplová, Petra
Zhodnocení použitelnosti webu vybrané instituce. This bachelor thesis focuses on evaluating the usability of the Czech Office of Surveying and Cadastre website. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the basic concepts related to website usability and introduces different methods used for usability testing. Furthermore, the thesis... |
Nedvěd, Ondřej
Využití dat pro řízení městské dopravy The thesis examines data utilization in urban traffic management, using the example of tram and trolleybus transport in Pilsen. The thesis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of data gathering and application in public transport, analyze operational data and identify opportunities for... |
Marchuk, Snizhana
Návrh a implementace webového informačního systému pro jazykovou školu The bachelor thesis outlines the design and implementation process of a simple web-based information system for a language school. The main purpose of the system is to showcase the school on the internet while allowing basic school administration. The thesis is divided into three... |
Křevký, Marek
Implementace jednodušších heuristik pro řešení specifických variant rozvozních problémů This bachelor thesis discusses the comparison of two different heuristics using a web application. The theoretical part is devoted to basic concepts, derivation problems and the basics of heuristics for route computation. The practical part deals with a web application that works ... |
Špác, Michal
Kryptoměny This bachelor thesis is focused on cryptocurrencies with the aim of characterizing the courses of selected cryptocurrencies in the years from 2018 to 2021 using selected methods. The first chapter focuses on a general view of cryptocurrencies, their definition, history, and technology. ... |
Tlačil, Jan
Návrh a implementace webového informačního systému Bachelor thesis entitled Design and implementation of a web-based information system describes web-based information system, its good features and its layers and then designs and implements such system. In the first part, the web-based information system is described theoretically, including the&... |
Dragušincová, Martina
Změny chování občanů vlivem pandemie COVID-19 ve způsobu zajištění a trávení dovolené The aim of this bachelor thesis is to detect changes in consumer behaviour in the field of traveling. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part tourism and its development in time is described, there are mentioned general factors affec... |
Kříž, Robin
Analýza dopravy při rozvozu objednávek zákazníkům u konkrétního podniku This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of company transport in order to find a more suitable solution for the calculation of delivery routes. It seeks to identify the flaws in the current solution and recommend a new solution that would save costs. The aim of t... |
Kupilíková, Barbora
Změny chování občanů vlivem pandemie COVID-19 ve způsobu zajištění a trávení dovolené The thesis deals with changes in citizens' travel behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to find out attitude of citizens towards travel before and during the pandemic, to compare it and to find possible changes. The research is based on questionnaire survey... |
Motyčková, Karolína
Vývoj českého akciového trhu v letech 2010-2020 This Bachelor thesis focuses on a technical analysis of the Czech stock market, specifically six selected stocks traded on the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE). The main subject of this work is to compare the results and efficiency of the investment strategy "Buy and Hold"... |
Jílková, Tereza
Zhodnocení použitelnosti webu vybrané instituce The main topic of the bachelor's thesis is the evaluation of the usability of tourist information centre websites. The first part of the thesis contains a search on the topic of usability and web design. It describes the methods of usability, explains the most important... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra ekonomie a kvantitativních metod / Department of Economics and Quatitative Methods
- 34 2020 - 2024
- 51 2012 - 2019