Volume 3, number 1-2 (1995) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Meßner, Wolfgang
Huber, Walter
Stereographic visualization of turbulent pipe flows using anaglyphs with a twofold central projeciton The size of velocity-vector fields obtained from numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional, time varying and turbulent flows is extremely large. Stereographic systems can intuitively depict the small depth movements and relations between fluid particles that standard per... |
Messina, Antonio
Moltedo, Laura
Contento, Silvana
Nicoletti, Roberto
User-computer interaction: cognitive properties of icons for multidimensional data analysis In the graphical environment, icons (i.e. symbols or pictorial representations analogous to physical objects, actions of functions) are generally more informative and easier to manipulate than verbal labels. Because icons should resemble the functions they represent, pre-testing should be done to... |
Messa, Kenneth
Czejdo, Bogdan
Villalobos, Erick
Graphical representation of rules in an object-oriented environment In this paper a graphical representation of rules is proposed. The graphical rules are formulated based on Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) diagrams. Such diagrams are compiled into an object-oriented language code that is included as a component of the developed software system. Other... |
Márton, Gábor
Szirmay-Kalos, László
On average-case complexity of ray tracing algorithms A theoretical framework for analyzing average-case time and storage complexity of ray tracing acceleration techniques is introduced by means of homogeneous spatial Poisson point processes. Then, as a demonstrative example of its application, the expected query time of the widely known techni... |
Marcheix, David
Gueorguieva, Stefka
Topological operators for non-manifold modeling Processing non-manifold topologies (abbreviated as NMT) plays a primary role in current development of solid modeling applications. Euler operators are a powerful tool for creation of valid boundary representations of solids. By contrast with the manifold domain, where topological operators are... |
Loukipoudis, Evgueni N.
Melkebeek, Jan A. A.
Simulating feature-based modelling in programming-by-example parametric CAD As an alternative to the development of a full feature-based CAD system, we suggest a fairly simple extension to a system that possesses parametric capabilities so that feature-based modelling interface is simulated. We use programming-by-example in defining features by parametric programs f... |
Löffelmann, Helwig
Gröller, Eduard
Parametrizing superquadrics Superquadrics are well known and often used 3D surface objects in computer graphics. They are used for modelling parts of scenes that are then rendered using photorealistic image synthesis algorithms (e.g., ray tracing). For some techniques like texturing, which are part of these r... |
Král, Miloslav
CATIA solutions version 4 - the overvies of the CAD/CAM/CAE system |
Karaçali, Ö
GRAPHSUPPORT: interactive modelling with computer graphics in assisting design This paper explains a novel approach that the designer can be supported by interactive objects modifications with graphics system. An engineering application, called GraphSupport system is identified and relations to the software support aspect is discussed. An example of industrial product ... |
Jensen, Henrik Wann
Christensen, Niels Jørgen
Optimizing path tracing using noise reduction filters The problem of global illumination can be solved using path tracing. Unfortunately path tracing gives very noisy images. This noise is mostly caused by the indirect illumination reflected diffusely. The common way to reduce the noise is to use more samples/rays pr. pixel. Howe... |
Ramstad, Thomas
Chalmers, Alan
Photo-realistic graphics for emergency lighting visualisation In an emergency situation it is vital that people are rapidly able to identify the exits. This is particularly important when the visibility of the signs can be significantly reduced, for example in a smoke filled room. There are several factors which contribute to a sign... |
Huang, T. S.
Advanced design software for the injection moulds design based on solid modelling techniques This paper describes a CAD software that focuses on computer-aided design for injection moulds using modelling techniques. The ultimate goal of this CAD software is to enable the designer to do various mould design works. It consists of two main modules, geometric modelling and... |
Hrúz, T.
Považan, I.
A note to the structure of Bresenham slice algorithm This paper gives a complete analysis of the structure of segments (spans) of points with a constant y-coordinate, which are observed in the Bresenham Slice algorithm. In particular, we show that this structure is related to the greatest common divisor of the end-poing coordinates. |
Hřebíček, Jiří
Scientific visualization with maple |
Hall, Peter
Non-pohotorealistic shape cues for visualisation Visualisation applications often need to display objects that are both three dismensional and coloured. The objects may be represented either by surfaces or by volumes. The motivation behind such displays is to demonstrate two or more independent variables at once. So one variable ... |
Hagman, Johan
Combining cluster analysis and continuous isosurface colouring in a tool for data exploration The paper shows how two powerful techniques for supporting data exploration of multidimensional data can be combined in a tool for this purpose. The techniques, cluster analysis and graphic visualization, are briefly presented and discussed as modules of a prototype. Its performance is&... |
Gröller, Eduard
Oppolzer, Herbert
Attract - interactive visualization of dynamical systems An interactive program for visualizing the long term behavior of dynamical systems, e.g., attractors and bifurcation diagrams, is presented. The program allows an easy specification of a set of formulas and constants which describe a dynamical system. This set of equations is then ... |
Feda, Martin
Speeding up progressive radiosity by overshooting Overshooting techniques have proven to significantly speed up the convergence of radiosity computation. Similar methods (overrelaxation) have also been widely used in numerical mathematics to speed up iterative solution methods for linear equation systems, e.g. Gauss-Seidel iteration. This paper gives... |
Clapworthy, G. J.
Noble, R. A.
Geometric modelling in a three-dimensional environment Computer animators have long had difficulties in defining and controlling the shape of deformable objects during motion. In the context of human figure animation, a new form of surface description has been developed, Murugaiyan & Clapworthy [1], which allows the surface to be m... |
Černý, V.
Fekete, L.
Zajac, R.
Texture classification by neural net in medical sonography We have delevoped a simple neural net classifier to evaluate textural informational content in the sonographic medical images. The net is trained on a set of texture patterns from sonographic images of testes. The samples in the set were classified by the supervisor into two... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 3 (1995)
- 46 1995