Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2012 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Konjatová, Petra
Interaktivní úlohy Mongeova promítání The thesis deals with the Monge projection, which is an important part of descriptive geometry. This projection allows to convert a three-dimensional objects (such as buildings, constructions, geometric objects, etc.) into two-dimensional space. The beginnings of descriptive geometry as... |
Knieová, Veronika
Preference učitelů při výuce psychomotorických dovedností This project is focused on a creation of teaching strategies for practical lessons in the thematic area Man and the World of Work. It is based on a cooperation of UJEP university educators and students with primary teachers from the Ústí region. The project has... |
Chroust, Filip
Zpracování grafiky s větší barevnou hloubkou This piece of work deals with problems of graphics application with more bits for a channel and with a comprehension of this graphics base. An inseparable component is a description of more-bits graphics and its use. Next there are given and described colourful mo... |
Hruška, Michal
Výzkum v oblasti užívání sociálních sítí učňovskou mládeží My target was to characterize the path of quantitative research activity leading of youth apprenticeship on social networks. My work is not addressed the whole the issue, but it only to summarize the most recent trends and to highlight its importance. I can say... |
Hrbáčková, Veronika
Historie výroby skla v Brdech This thesis has the title “The history of glass production in Brdy”. In the first chapter, I focused on the history of glass production since the days of ancient civilizations to the 20th century. I described the development of individual technologies and advances in... |
Hrbáčková, Veronika
Kovové bludiště Metallic maze is for two children and their goal is to put rings to indicated center of the maze. This maze is focused on development of coordination skills, logical thinking and cooperation of children. Size of the maze is 500 x 500 mm and it weighs abou... |
Hána, Luboš
Krotký, Jan
Kotoko - hra pro rozvoj manuální zručnosti a myšlení The article proposes a simple game using a system of nodal blocks and connecting plastic tubes. The player must build roller coaster for the ball and the ball musn´t stop. When it stops, the roller coaster is constructed poorly. The game follows the principles... |
Földesi, Michal
Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete technika V práci, ktorej názov je Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete Technika, je hlavným cieľom ozrejmiť význam rozvoja podnikavosti na hodinách Techniky a v praxi overiť náš navrhnutý projekt, ktorý je zameraný na rozvoj podnikavosti. |
Fajnorová, Eva
Grafické zručnosti žiakov základných škôl v predmete technika Práca je obsahovo zameraná na problematiku grafických zručností žiakov základných škôl. Našou snahou bolo zistiť úroveň grafického vyjadrovania sa žiakov základných škôl na prvom stupni primárneho vzdelávania vo všetkých ročníkoch. Dosiahnutú úroveň sme testovali neštandardizovanými didaktickými te... |
Došková, Jana
Výroba a využití didaktických pomůcek pro výuku žáků s metálním postižením Subject of the thesis is concentrated on making and using didactical aids for pupils with mental disabilities. The aim of the thesis is to gather complete knowledge about the pupils with mental retardation and define the specifics of didactical aids in their educationa... |
Benajtr, Pavel
Model automatického otevírání dveří dle Héróna Alexandrijského This article is about the possibilities of using the model in the teaching of technical education. The chosen model is Heron's automatic door, used as the temple door. The door opening depended on the ritual fire. Part of this article is about Heron and his... |
Aubrechtová, Eva
Semafor - pomocník nejen v dopravě This article describes the use and production of a simple traffic light, which we all know from the crossings of roads, mostly in cities. In two paragraphs, I will focus first on its use in the classroom environment and teaching at all, then I desribe its ... |
Armstark, Milan
Podnožník pro kytaristu This work si instruction for making footstool for guitare player. It is possible to use it for music schools or freetime lesson at primary school. They were used different materials and different techonology for making this footstool. It is also possible to file this... |
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- Olympiáda techniky
- 33 2012