Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KOS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 1089
Pražáková, Kateřina
Ošetřovatelská péče o maligní rány

This bachelor's thesis deals with the experience of general nurses in the care of a patient with a malignant wound. In the theoretical part of the bachelors thesis, malignant wounds, treatment, nursing care, complications, first aids for malignant wounds are described in ...

Rastočná, Ivana
Rozhodování všeobecných sester při řešení akutních stavů

The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to elaborate an overview study on the topic of Decision-making in nursing practice in acute care. Findings from professional sources were searched and summarized. Five subsections deal with the most significant aspects that influence general nurs...

Gabrielová, Wanda
Proces mytí rukou u vysokoškolských studentů.

The bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of hand hygiene and the process of hand washing in university students of medical and non-medical disciplines. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into four chapters, in which the current situation of hand hygien issues...

Boltíková, Eva
Činnost podpůrných skupin zaměřených na ženy s karcinomem prsu

The theoretical part of the Bachelor's thesis deals with support groups. The first part focuses on the definitions of basic terms, differences in the terminology of support and self-help groups in the Czech republic, the history, meaning and typologies of self-help and support ...

Böhmová, Lucie
Ošetřovatelská péče o pacienta se stomií na urotraktu.

The bachelor thesis on the topic "Nursing care of the patient with stoma in the urotract" is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part outlines the current status of the problem of ostomy care in the urotract. The field of nursing itself...

Fejfarová, Tereza
Vnímání chirurgické léčby ulcerózní kolitidy pacientem

The bachelor thesis on Patient perception of surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the brief anatomy of the digestive tract, then on the characteristics, diagnosis, complications and&#...

Chrastilová, Petra
Péče pacienta o dlouhodobý cévní vstup

The bachelor's thesis deals with patient care for long-term vascular access. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with vascular entrances, classifies how they are divided into categories, and what types of vascular entrances there are. It also deals in depth with the ...

Houzarová, Veronika
Edukace o prevenci syndromu diabetické nohy

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the education of patients with diabetes mellitus by a general nurse about the prevention of diabetic foot syndrome. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is devoted to information about diabetes mellitus, focus...

Hesová, Karolína
Životní styl pacientů s diagnózou akutní pankreatitida

This belachor´s thesis deals with the lifestyle of patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. In the theoretical part I focus on the anatomy of the pancreas, acute pancreatitis and her classification, causes, symptoms, complications, diagnostics and treatment. Nursing care, education and lifesty...

Bérešová, Gabriela
Profesionální image sestry

The bachelor's thesis deals with the subject matter of a professional image of a nurse and further maps the development of a person without medical education into a person representing their profession and employer. Qualitative research was chosen to explore...

Zelenková, Monika
Edukace pacienta s hematoonkologickým onemocněním při podávání chemoterapie

In this bachelor thesis, we focus on the education of patients with malignant diseases of the blood and hematopoiesis who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part we give a brief description of ...

Chumová, Sarah
Zkušenosti pacienta s inzulinovým senzorem

The bachelor thesis deals with the experience of patients with glucose sensors. Self-monitoring with a glucose sensor is a revolutionary technology of glucose monitoring, which is already an important part of diabetes treatment. In the theoretical part of the thesis, informa-tion about ...

Ziateková, Zuzana
Infuzní linka a její vývoj

This bachelor thesis is focused on the development of an infusion line. The aim of the thesis is to find out who and how participated in the development of the infusion line and its components by analyzing historical documents. The thesis is divided into several chapters....

Vašendová, Zuzana
Celoživotní vzdělávání všeobecných sester

The bachelor thesis deals with lifelong education of general nurses in the Czech Republic. The thesis describes its history, development and maps the current situation of lifelong learning. The changes brought about by various laws are mentioned. It is a qualitative research ...

Vokounová, Eva
Rizika spojená s odkládáním těhotenství do vyššího věku

This bachelor's thesis is devoted to the risks associated with delaying pregnancy to an older age. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with fertility in connection with age, infertility and its therapy. It also describes the sp...

Volfíková, Kateřina
Profese porodní asistentky pohledem veřejnosti

This bachelor thesis is a comprehensive study of the midwifery profession. It is di-vided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the history of the profession, education, professional organisations, legislation and workplaces where mid-wives can work. A large s...

Salcmanová, Jana
Postavení žen v období nacistického Německa

The presented bachelor's thesis deals with the position of women in the period of Nazi Germany, which also includes obstetric care itself. At the beginning, the situation of the rise of Nazism to power is described and the explanation of important terms appearing later in&...

Pánková, Barbora
Psychosociální aspekty léčby neplodnosti

The bachelor thesis deals with psychosocial aspects of infertility treatment in women. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part deals with infertility, treatment in the center of assisted reproduction, psychogenic infertility, in...

Mikuláštíková, Adéla
Zájem žen o péči komunitní porodní asistentky

This Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of midwifery care in a community setting. This topic is very topical and community care in the Czech Republic is on the rise. The work is mainly focused on the profession of community midwife and the interest of women in ...

Svobodová, Eliška
Příprava ženy na porod

This bachelor thesis focuses on the preparation of pregnant women for birth. The thesis is split into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part describes the history and current possibilities of prenatal education, hypnobirthing, and physical training during pregnancy, deals&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 1089