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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39
Vaněk, Josef
Stanovení hygienických podmínek pro efektivní užití sálavého vytápění

Nowadays, progress and improvement of various techniques in the field of heating of family houses and flats has been continued. Heating using the electricity seems to be the most comfortable. Moreover, it has also a number of indisputable advantages. Its main benefit is that t...

Šantín, Vlastimil
Problematika připojování velkých větrných farem do ES

This thesis deals with the relatively broad issue of wind power plants and their connecting and operation within the scope of distribution and transmission systems. Basic principles associated with the conversion of wind energy to electricity, requirements for the quality of electrical ...

Buhawa, Zaidan Mohamed
Data colection from the PV generators their evaluation. Creating of the electric power network model and operation states with new PV generators

This thesis deals with Modelling of Electric Power Network - the most important parameters of the Renewable Power Sources. It describes the possibility to generate the electric energy according to the international standards from RES in large areas. Next it deals with ways how ...

Průcha, Stanislav
Programování energetických procesů využitelných pro energetické simulátory

This Phd thesis describes actual questions about development of renewable resources in Czech Republic. Initial part summarizes actual state and expectations of future development of chosen renewable resources, as well as its specific operation in with regard to output power characteristic. F...

Hromádka, Miroslav
Elektromagnetické stínění

This work deals with issue of electromagnetic shielding, which is important part of electromagnetic compatibility branch. Shielding improves immunity of equipment against electromagnetic field. That is the reason why are described sources of interference signals at the beginning of this work,...

Erlebach, Jiří
Vliv klimatických podmínek na účinnost přeměn energií u obnovitelných zdrojů energie

The main purpose of this work is to analyze measured data from photovoltaic systems placed on the building of Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Pilsen, to figure out optimal inclination of installation, to evaluate measured and calculated characteristics and to set possible way ...

Habrych, Richard
Regulace U a Q v distribuční soustavě

This paper deals with voltage and reactive power regulation in the distribution system of 110 kV namely with an increased accent on the use of wind and photovoltaic power plants including the factory power plants all of them being embedded in local distribution systems a...

Kysnar, František
Připojování obnovitelných zdrojů energie do energetických sítí

This work deals with distributed generation connectibility problems. On the real cases there are described problems, associated with connection of distributed generation to the LV, MV and HV networks. Work also shows possible risks of connection of larger amount of distributed generation...

Jindra, Petr
Připojování obnovitelných zdrojů energie do energetických sítí

This thesis deals with connection of biogas units to energy networks especially with an emphasis on waste dump units. Thorough analysis of two years operation is made on particular example including a model of the network and there is also suggested possible optimization. I al...

Kroupa, Oldřich
Možnosti snížení měrné spotřeby elektrické energie indukčních zařízení

In my dissertation I deal with the use of additional structural components for the new me constructed laboratory physical model of the induction device, which also allows heating of the hollow cylindrical magnetic charge being placed into the cavity of the inductor device to d...

Žák, František
Analýza způsobu uzemnění uzlu sítí vn a jejich vliv na provoz a chránění sítí VN

This dissertation thesis deals with an analysis of means of neutral points earthing in middlevoltage networks (MV) and their influence on operation and protection. Special attention is paid to methods of establishment of earth capacitive charging current values in middle-voltage distribution ...

Benešová, Hana
Nové trendy v oblasti solárních systémů

The renewable energy sources (abbr RES), mainly the photovoltaic (PV) cells, take more remarkable place in the power engineering in the connection with worldwide increasing energy demand, decrescent reserves of "traditional" non-renewable energy sources and with increasing environment pollution.&...

Polívka, Jiří
Analýza výroby, distribuce a spotřeby energie v ČR a ve světě a možnosti akumulace energie

This work is focused on the analysis of operating conditions resulting from cooperation thermodynamic cycle heat pumps and photovoltaic (PV) panel. Appropriate sizing of these elements can lead to the cost-saving heat pump and also to increase the efficiency of conversion of solar ...

Kouba, Daniel
Analýza bezpečného provozu kompenzované sítě VN velkého rozsahu

In the introduction, this PhD thesis deals with the analysis of capacitive current size in the resonant earthed middle voltage network and describes the reasons for its current increasing. The resonant earthed neutral system is possible to operate during the fault; however there is...

Mezera, Jan
Návrh a možnost začlenění hybridního výrobního zdroje (VTE, BPE) do energetického tržního prostředí

The offered thesis considers renewable energy sources to supply electricity and is dealing with the problems, which are related to supply. The first part of the thesis is used for getting theoretical knowledge and understanding the theory of renewable energy sources. In the second&...

Elstner, Vlastislav
Energetická bilance v elektrické trakci

The work deals with energy balance in Urban Mass Transportation and with possibilities to reduce consumption of energy. The placement options of accumulators are assessed for the sections of the traction power line. The accumulator purpose is to absorb braking energy and it is ...

Majer, Viktor
Model trhu s elektřinou v ČR

This thesis deals with the prediction of electricity production from hotovoltaic power plants in the liberalized energy sector. The goal of this thesis is to describe the current state of the liberalized energy sector and design the predictor of the generated electricity from photo...

Veleba, Jan
Řešení problematiky ustálených chodů v elektrizační soustavě s důrazem na vyšetřování poruchových stavů

This thesis deals with steady-state load flow analysis of electric power systems. The problem is further combined with specialized procedures for maintaining numerical stability and high calculation speed of traditional load flow techniques (Gauss, Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Fast-Decoupled, DC load ...

Královcová, Veronika
Optimalizace nákladů výroby elektrické energie ve vztahu k bezpečnosti spolehlivosti a kvalitě

This thesis is focused on the analysis and optimization of renewable sources of energy, namely the photovoltaic energy. In the first part there is a theoretical base of the issue of photovoltaic energy. Nevertheless the most important part of this work is the analysis of ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39