Disertační práce / Dissertations (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Janák, Viktor
Iredentismus moravských Slováků na přelomu třicátých a čtyřicátých let 20. století a reakce na něj This thesis delves into the multifaceted issue of Moravian Slovak irredentism, which manifested in several phases from 1938 to 1941. The author adopts a comprehensive approach to this topic, which has hitherto been addressed by other researchers only in isolated aspects. The study ... |
Pučelík, Karel
Vznik a vývoj poválečného politického konsenzu ve Velké Británii (1945-1955) This dissertation examines the emergence and development of the post-war political consensus in Britain from 1945 to 1955. This concept suggests a deep consensus on key political issues such as the economy, social and health policy, the organisation of trade unions. There are vario... |
Civínová, Pavlína
Pakt čtyř velmocí (1932-1933) jako prostředek italského revizionismu The Four-Power Pact, proposed by Benito Mussolini in March 1933, was to represent the cooperation of Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany. Mussolini first mentioned the idea of cooperation in a speech to supporters in Turin in the autumn of 1932, but at that time it... |
Kaarbaeva, Zhyldyz
Vývoj kyrgyzsko-uzbeckých vztahů v Kyrgyzstánu od 80. let 20. století do současnosti (na příkladu měst Oš a Džalal-Abad) The dissertation is devoted to the study of interethnic relations in the south of Kyrgyzstan on the example of relations between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks ethnic groups, where the former represents the titular ethnic group, and the latter are the largest minority in the country. The... |
Urban, Martin
Friedrich Ratzel a jeho pojetí politické geografie The dissertation deals with Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904), a German geographer of the late 19th century, and his Political Geography. The author focused on the assessment of his contribution to the emerging modern human geography, especially anthropogeography and political geography. However, with... |
Vyčichlo, Jiří
Palmerston a Metternichovo Rakousko v letech 1830-1841 The aim of the present dissertation thesis is to analyse Viscount Palmerston's international policy in relation to Austria in the years 1830-1841. The topic is defined by the British Minister's tenure, including the hiatus of 1834-1835. The main focus of this work is laid... |
Kratochvílová, Martina
Ženy na okraji společnosti v českých zemích a Velké Británii v letech 1900-1930 - komparativní studie The criminality of fair sex represents a very specific topic in women's history. Research in this area, through detailed exploration and, last but not least, reconstruction of specific crimes committed between 1900 and 1930 in Great Britain and the Czech Lands, provided insight ... |
Chocholatý, Michal
Vyhlazovací sektor Treblinky v druhé funkční fázi v porovnání se sobiborským sektorem smrti The dissertation Death sector of Treblinka in its second stage of operation in the comparison with death sector of Sobibor surveys the history of Treblinka death camp after the camp's reorganization (August/ September 1942) until the prisoner revolt on August 2, 1943. It f... |
Fischerová, Eva
Národní jednota severočeská 1918-1938 The topic of the PhD thesis is an analysis of selected aspects of activities of the National Association of the Northern Bohemia in years 19181938 and before year 1914 and also after year 1938. National Association of Northern Bohemia was a protective national association foun... |
Boček, Martin
Soupeření lodních společností o zákazníky z Předlitavska na přelomu 19. a 20. století The goal of presented dissertation thesis is competitive analysis of shipping companies for customers in the Habsburg Monarchy. At the same time there is a possibility to compare chosen shipping companies and their attitude to customers in the Habsburg Monarchy. The thesis primarily... |
Pásztorová, Barbora
Metternich a německá otázka v letech 1840-1848 The aim of this dissertation thesis is the analysis of Austrian Chancellor Metternich's attitude to the German question between 1840 and 1848. The period under review is logically defined by two significant events, the Rhine Crisis in 1840 which stimulated the development in Ge... |
Kydlíček, Jakub
Francouzský protektorát v Tunisku 1881-1935. Budování administrativy ve světle civilizační mise. The thesis deals with the concept of french civilising mission and its role within history of the French Protectorate in Tunisia from 1881 to 1935. The focus of the text is the analytical study of different groups among colonial personel and reflection of civilising miss... |
Kondrys, Jan
Islámský modernismus v Egyptě - Hnutí náboženské a společenské reformy This dissertation deals with the topic of Islamic modernism in Egypt as a school of thought calling for religious and social reform. This intellectual current was particularly significant in Egypt over several decades in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Attention is... |
Strych, Filip
Britský kolonialismus v Gambii v 1. polovině 19. století This dissertation deals with the British influence along the Gambia River in the first half of the 19th century. It is explained why the British came here along with the examination of the key factors for that period. The work puts great emphasis on phenomena related ... |
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