Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2020 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mainz, Denis
Majer, Jan
Popularization of textbooks with a focus on block-based visual programming in the Scratch programming environment within the project for Support of informatics thinking development (PRIM) through Educational robotics Makeblock kit-mbot The presented contribution introduces the possibilities of obtaining and using robotic educational aid mBot from Makeblock kit, through which it popularizes electronic textbooks focused on teaching programming block-based visual approach at the second grade of primary school, which are part of... |
Mainz, Denis
Zíka, Miroslav
Popularization of textbooks with a focus on block-based visual programming in the Scratch programming environment within the project for Support of informatics thinking development (PRIM) through educational robotics Ozobot The presented contribution introduces the possibilities of obtaining and using the robotic educational tool Ozobot, through which it popularizes electronic textbooks focused on teaching programming with a block-oriented visual approach at the second stage of primary school, which are part of ... |
Frank, Filip
Mainz, Denis
Popularization of the textbook Robotics with lego mindstorms for 2nd primary school in the project to support for the development of computer thinking (PRIM) The presented paper presents with the possibilities of obtaining and using the robotic kit Lego Mindstorms EV3 Education in teaching and popularizes the electronic textbook Robotics with LEGO Mindstorms for the 2nd level of primary school created within the project for Support for ... |
Capová, Petra
Inclusive education of mathematics in primary schools This thesis deals with processing of the information about „Inclusive Education of Mathematics in Primary Schools“. This study is divided into two parts – theoretical part and practical part. Theoretical part deals with the inclusive education, spheres which are slightly related with it... |
Vácová, Ingrid
Enabling the future - alternative view of project teaching with 3D printing support This project and final device is the result of participation in an international project Enabling the future, which connects people who have access to 3D printer and people who are in need of an upper limb prosthesis. Main goal of this bachelor thesis was to raise aw... |
Šmíd, Libor
Homemade transmitter and receiver Throughout my student life I've never encountered demonstration of physical laws through experiments to make lessons more interesting. That's why my aim in this project is about showing you, that you can create evan more difficult experiments for teaching physics by yourself. In... |
Humpolová, Kateřina
Reuse of paper bags in activity lessons Students at lower primary school get acquainted in ecology, the issue of sources wasting and with one of the strategies of waste reduction - the reuse. The educational project is to make a small paper basket from paper strips gain from old paper bags used for grocery... |
Šmíd, Josef
Post-processing of 3D-printed models The bachelor thesis focuses on methods of 3D printed model surfacing doable at elementary school and comparing the results when applied on different materials. The main aim is to compare different methods of surfacing with regards to ease of applying, effectivity, safety, and useab... |
Wool product testing This work deals with testing 3 wool products used fot the development of fine motor skills in preschool children. You can find here the goals of the work, the methodology of tested products, test results and findings, suggestions for improvement for further testing and a ... |
Benediktová, Lenka
Learning apps and how to use it across the school curriculum Modern technologies have already become a common part of the teaching/learning process. Schools are now equipped with hardware, which, however, is not enough on its own. Efficient integration of digital technologies into the teaching/learning process requires the use of appropriate soft... |
Lukšíková, Marcela
A look into the history of popularization magazines and an informal approach to technical fields The main task was to obtain the necessary data and information to perform an analysis and to compare historical technical journals. We got acquainted with what a periodical is, who can publish a magazine in the Czech Republic and what law protects its publication. From... |
Sedláčková, Alena
Flower creation for preschool children Flower creation for preschool children is focused on creating new topics and testing them at the same time. The purpose of testing is to evaluate their complexity and, above all, their adequacy to the child's age. Another purpose is the comprehensive development of the chi... |
Knopp, Jakub
Educational projects focusing on the reuse of disposable plastic in teaching craft lessons at lower secondary school My bachelor thesis deals with the usage of plastics in teaching craft lessons at lower secondary school. I would like to focus on my final products of my thesis which were created in order to show ways to recycle disposable plastic products, introduced through specific ed... |
Moc, Pavel
Current approach in education to computer-controlled machines Recently, there have been more and more articles and discussions about the need to educate the next generation in the field of computer-controlled machines. In this context, the machines may include not only industrial manipulators, production units, CNC machines etc., but it may a... |
Janowiaková, Eva
Quiet book - interactive book - learning tool This interactive cloth book is intended for children of preschool age. The activities were chosen and created so that they would allow for the child's versatile and diverse growth. Every activity in this book is created using snaps, velcro, hooks, buttons or zippers. Most... |
Glézl, Róbert
Epoxy resin rings People are naturally social, creative, and curious beings. All of these qualities manifest itself from an early age and therefore should start to be developed as soon as possible. From easier activities to more complicated ones. We assumed, that elementary school-aged children are ... |
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