Články / Articles (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lovecký, Martin
Gincelová, Kristýna
Haroková, P.
Jiřičková, Jana
Smutný, Vladimír
Závorka, Jiří
Performance of ENDF/B-VIII.0 library for VVER reactors criticality safety, fuel depletion and reactor dosimetry applications The latest ENDF/B nuclear data library released in 2018 is the result of a new international approach to develop evaluated nuclear data for general purpose applications. In order to use the latest ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library in safety analyses, validation calculations for... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Rot, David
Adaptivní osvětlení průmyslové kuchyně Currently, great emphasis is placed on reducing the energy performance of buildings that is also reflected in lighting. Very often there are original lamps and light sources replaced by new modern technology with LEDs that allow to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions and... |
Kučera, Pavel
Skočil, Vlastimil
Tupa, Jiří
Znalostní management v diagnostice |
Netolický, Petr
Tupa, Jiří
Jakost diagnostického procesu |
Skočil, Vlastimil
Tupa, Jiří
Parametry a metriky |
Prosr, Pavel
Pihera, Josef
Polanský, Radek
Trnka, Pavel
Sledování vytvrzovacích charakteristik skloslídových kompozitů |
Prosr, Pavel
Pihera, Josef
Polanský, Radek
Trnka, Pavel
Využití programových prostředků pro provozní diagnostiku elektrických strojů |
Trnka, Pavel
Životnost izolačního systému VPI při pulzním namáhání |
Martínek, Petr
Laurenc, Jiří
Měření částečných výbojů pomocí digitálního měřicího systému |
Jindra, Petr
Aspekty provozu bioplynových kogeneračních jednotek v energetických sítích |
Bělík, Milan
PV power stations - fire hotbeds and fire tolls |
Bělík, Milan
Passive solar systems enhanced efficiency |
Lovecký, Martin
Závorka, Jiří
Jiřičková, Jana
Škoda, Radek
Increasing efficiency of nuclear fuel using burnable absorbers The paper describes the development, validation, and use of UWB1 code intended for fast calculation of nuclear fuel depletion in burnable absorber research. The degree of effectiveness of burnable absorbers in the form of natural abundance elements, nuclides, and their combinations are ... |
Hornak, Jaroslav
Haller, Rainer
Kupka, Lukáš
Michal, Ondřej
Pihera, Josef
Inovativní postupy při diagnostice částečných výbojů při AC a DC napětí Partial discharges are one of the most commonly occurring physical phenomena that can have a negative effect on the overall life of electrical equipment. The most basic types (besides surface and internal) are discharges occurring in places with a small radius of curvature. At ... |
Tomiczek, Petr
Duffing Equation with Nonlinearities Between Eigenvalues The article is primarily concerned with the measurement of heat recovery units for different work environments. At present, great emphasis is placed on indoor air quality. The quality of the indoor environment greatly influences the concentration, response, and overall quality of work. ... |
Orosz, Tamás
Poór, Peter
Karban, Pavel
Pánek, David
Power transformer design optimization for carbon footprint Cogeneration power plants have already been operated in the Czech Republic for several decades. These cogeneration power plants have been mostly operated with original technologies. However, these original technologies have to be continuously innovated during the entire operation time. This paper... |
Lenc, Ladislav
Martínek, Jiří
Král, Pavel
Tools for Semi-automatic Preparation of Training Data for OCR This article deals with issues arising during the design and production of a cold crucible (CC) for melting metals and alloys using electromagnetic induction. The article deals particularly with the results from tests and numerical simulations for designing the CC. The heat fluxes ... |
Belik, Milan
Calculation of solid particle trajectory inside electrical separator based on measured values This article discusses application of data acquisition device National Instruments NI PCI-6221 for electrical separator low cost monitoring. Results can be applicable for air protection and air pollution prevention. Measured basic electrical and environmental values are logged into a file. Furthe... |
Jiřinec, Stanislav
Rot, David
Cold crucible HFG160 The aim of this article is to introduce the newly established laboratory of cold crucible. The laboratory of cold crucible is based on a high-frequency source HFG160 with working chamber and a closed cooling circuit. The devices are installed in the hall F2 in Science and... |
Adamec, Michal
Beran, Miloš
Connection of renewable resources to power grid This paper deals with the connection of distributed resources. It is divided into two parts. The first is devoted to renewable energy resources. The review of these resources will help to determine if they could reduce the global warming and if they could play a significa... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologie / Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Environmental Engineering