Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kasiolas, Vasileios
The use of cloud computing technologies in teachers´ education and training In this paper, the use of cloud computing technologies in teachers’ education and training is studied. Cloud technologies have spread to numerous sectors in the past few years, education being one of them. STEM training methodologies are also being used more and more. The poss... |
Semenova, A.
Filatova, O. V.
Art therapy for emotional sphere correction of cerebrovascular accident diseased In the article the panel paintings making algorithm by patient with the cerebrovascular accident diagnosis is investigated. Art therapy is used for emotional sphere correction of this category patients. |
Timakovoj, N.
Correctional and pedagogical methods of work with children with multiple heavy developmental disorders Theme of this work is correctional and pedagogical methods of work with children with multiple heavy developmental disorders. The main aim of the search is to describe main methods of work with paralyzed children, development of fine and gross motor skills, wrists spasticity ... |
Filippova, Natalya
The influence of information culture on the process and the results of the professional training of high school students The following article touches upon the problem of the necessity of qualitative changes in methods of professional training of students, due to the intensive process of informatization in all spheres of society. The author points out the usage of interactive exercises from LearningApps.o... |
Soldatov, Alexandr
The use of 3D pen in the process of teaching technology students 3D-technology are booming at the present stage of human development. 3D-pen can print on a new three-dimensional level. All these technologies help to improve modern technology lessons. |
Kloptsova, Olga
Situational analysis in vocational training The article is about the methodological aspects of using situational analysis in vocational training. The description of situational problems is subordinated to the taxonomy of B. Bloom's goals and using LS Ilyushin’s task designer. Intermediate results of the study are represented. The&... |
Romanov, A. V.
Implementation of differentiated instruction in the training of students The differentiated training allows to organize the learning process as comfortable as possible for each group of students in the penitentiary system. Such way of organizing does not only solve the problem of formation of professional competencies, but also supports the re-socialization ... |
Zinyakov, V. N.
Organization of project activities under primary professional education The article considers the most important priciples of efficient project activities organization in the professional education of the students in the interscholastic training school (Vladimir, Russia). An overview is given on the project actual subject available for implementation by the students&... |
Bichurenko, Pavel
Formation of creative activity experience in the posession of career education students This article deals with problem of formation of creative activity experience in the possession of career education students by profession “Operator of electronic computing machines and computing machines” in the municipal autonomous general educational institution in Vladimir “Interscholastic Training ... |
Kozák, Peter
Chemické počitadlo The contribution should be used, for example, as an aid to teaching chemistry at elementary school, where the teacher can use this didactic aid not only for the demonstration of the periodic table of elements but also for verifying pupils' knowledge. A chemical counter is&... |
Dzúrik, Tomáš
Pavlovkin, Ján
Aplikácia učebnej pomôcky model slnečného kolektora na základných školách V súčasnej dobe plnej technológii využívame veľké množstvo rôznych spotrebičov, ktoré pre svoje fungovanie potrebujú energiu. Energia sa stala neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každodenného života. Aby sme chránili našu prírodu, je potrebné využívať obnoviteľné zdroje energie. Energia, ktorá je získavaná, zo Sl... |
Koglot, Lara
Postolova, Biljana
Jančevski, Janko
Bezjak, Jožica
Project work on the model PUD-BJ "From idea to product - pier in Portorož otherwise..." The subject of my research work is the deformed pier in Portorož. Traditionally people gather on the beach of Portorož on New Year's Day to jump into the sea. But this year the ground of the pier slackened for a metre and sank to the slime sea floor. Th... |
Řehořová, Jitka
Hlavy si lámem nejraději s hlavolamem This article talks about history of puzzles, their types and production manuals. These puzzles became part of logical games around the world that attract attention from people of all ages and aim to develop various parts of human thinking. The main goal of this project is... |
Longauer, Peter
Kvasnová, Petra
Návrh a vyhotovenie názornej učebnej pomôcky pre predmet technika: téma model vyhňa Today, we are already forgetting the past and the hard work of our ancestors. Today's pupils are losing their manual skills, practical imagination and the physical force associated with manual work. Teachers encounter pupils' dislike and poor school equipment. That's why we'v... |
Artelj, Luka
Trdan, Edvard
Artelj, Martin
Slosar, Mirko
Bezjak, Jožica
Projectwork of model PUD-BJ "From idea to product - solar airplane dron" |
Karagiannopoulou, Anastasia
Papadopoulos, Andreas
Stefanos, Armakolas
Video creation and social networking educational environment: a case study of pre-service teacher training in ASPETE Patras There is no doubt that social media and World Wide Web have changed significantly the way users communicate all around the world. However, apart from communication and entertainment purposes, social media are increasingly being adopted by teachers wishing to enhance their teaching mater... |
Vaněk, Lukáš
Kozík, Tomáš
Aplikácia simulácií a vzdialených experimentov vo výučbe predmetu technika na ZŠ V dizertačnej práci sa venujeme tvorbe inovatívnej koncepcie vyučovania predmetu technika, konkrétne pre aplikáciu virtuálnych simulácií a vzdialených experimentov vo výučbe na základných školách. V úvode predloženého článku je v skratke opísaný súčasný stav vyučovania predmetu technika na II. stupni&... |
Karpíšková, Pavla
Krotký, Jan
Hodnocení produktů praktických činností u dětí The product evaluation of practical activities for children at elementary schools is currently most often done on the basis of the most similar imitation of the original model as well as the precise observance of the work process. However, this trend is not in line with... |
Král, Jan
Mobilní aplikace pro výuku elektrotechniky We currently live in a time that could be called a mobile era with some exaggeration. These devices also penetrate into education at all levels of education. We describe the results of our survey in the field of applications usable in electrical engineering in this paper.... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
E-kurz 3D modelování pro základní školy This article introduces the 3D modeling e-course created in the Moodle environment. SketchUp Make program, which is free, was chosen for teaching. The E-course is designed especially for teachers. It should motivate them for teaching this area of education because it tries to bring... |
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- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
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- Olympiáda techniky