Disertační práce / Dissertations (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dvořák, Jan
Komprese dynamických polygonálních sítí s konstantní a proměnlivou konektivitou Due to the advances in performance capturing technologies, dynamic surface representations, such as mesh and point cloud sequences, are becoming more and more attractive ways of representing dynamic scenes. It is, however, quite challenging to store such data efficiently or to process i... |
Pozzobon, Enrico
Hardwarové útoky postranním kanálem v bezpečnostně kritických zařízeních The field of software security has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, with robust cryptographic protocols and secure coding practices becoming more prevalent. These improvements have made it increasingly challenging for adversaries to exploit software vulnerabilities directly. Consequently,... |
Hruda, Lukáš
Detekce symetrie v geometrických modelech Symmetry is a common property of real world objects as well as of artificially created geometric models. The knowledge about symmetry of a given object can be useful in many applications in computer graphics and geometry processing, such as compression, object alignment, symmetric ... |
Weiss, Nils
Testování zabezpečení v sítích pro bezpečnostně kritické aplikace The evolution of cars from mechanical systems to rolling computers creates new requirements for safety and security engineering. Nowadays, every vehicle contains a safety-critical real-time communication network to fulfill its function. Especially the increasing connectivity of automotive systems enlarged&... |
Včelák, Petr
Rozsáhlé informační systémy - standardizace metadat The dissertation thesis deals with the standardization of metadata in the combination of information systems and multidisciplinary data-oriented medical research. Metadata standardization in the thesis does not only consist of a suitable, unambiguous, and comprehensible description based on ontologies ... |
Ettler, Tomáš
Detekce a vyhodnocení vysokorychlostního videozáznamu hlasivkové štěrbiny This work summarizes the results of the study of vocal cords evaluation based on data extracted from recordings taken by a laryngoscopic system, specifically by Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy (LHSV). The main goal of this work is to process images contained in the recorded LHS... |
Heigl, Michael
Zvyšování bezpečnosti počítačových sítí zesílenou detekcí odlehlých hodnot v datových tocích Over the past couple of years, machine learning methods - especially the Outlier Detection (OD) ones - have become anchored to the cyber security field to detect network-based anomalies rooted in novel attack patterns. Due to the steady increase of high-volume, high-speed and high-... |
Martínek, Jiří
Metody hlubokeho učení pro rozpoznávání dialogových aktů s využitím vizuální informace Dialogue act (DA) recognition is an important step of dialogue management and understanding. This task is to automatically assign a label to an utterance (or its part) based on its function in a dialogue (e.g. statement, question, backchannel, etc.). Such utterance-level classification ... |
Vetter, Michael
Model-driven Security Engineering for FPGAs The thesis provides an analysis and adaptation of appropriate security methods from the software domain into the FPGA world and combines them with formal verification methods and machine learning techniques. The deployment of appropriate defense mechanisms requires intelligence about ... |
Dostálek, Libor
Více faktorová autentizace v mobilních sítích The thesis deals with multi factor authentication in mobile networks. The first part of thesis describes two new multifactor authentication algorithms: "Strong Authentication for Internet Mobile Application" and "Strong Authentication for Internet Application". Protocol "Strong Authenticati... |
Dudáček, Karel
Měření zpoždění signálů s použitím neekvidistantního vzorkování In many applications, precise measurement of short delays between analogue signals is required. But in many cases signal features are fixed and signal processing resources are limited, therefore, my goal was development of methods, that allows such measurements without expensive devices. ... |
Šmolík, Michal
Metody aproximace vektorových dat Vector fields or flow fields are results of numerical simulations or real measurements. The data size is very large especially for 3D vector fields. This thesis focuses on vector fields approximation and compression using meshless techniques. The approximation of vector fields focuses m... |
Vomáčka, Tomáš
Konstrukce geometrických modelů pro pohybující se body Kinetic data structures represent a valuable tool for the geometry challenges in computer graphics, because they allow the extension of the standard tools and data structures for time-dependent data. Thanks to this concept, it is possible to exploit the properties of, e.g., Delaunay... |
Svoboda, Lukáš
Distribuční sémantika s využitím neuronových sítí During recent years, neural network-based methods are showing crucial improvements in catching semantic and syntactical properties of words or sentences. Much has been investigated about word embeddings of English words and phrases, but little attention has been dedicated to other languages. ... |
Majdišová, Zuzana
Interpolační a aproximační techniky pro rozsáhlá geometrická data A reconstruction of large scattered datasets using interpolation or approximation methods is often task in many engineering problems. Several techniques have been developed for data interpolation or approximation, but they usually require an ordered dataset, e.g. rectangular mesh, structured mesh,... |
Prantl, Martin
Tvarové charakteristiky založené na křivosti a jejich použití v počítačové grafice Curvature is an important geometric property in computer graphics that provides information about the object surfaces. The exact curvature can only be calculated for a limited set of surface descriptions. Most of the time, we deal with triangles, point sets or some other discrete... |
Hromádková, Věra
Modelování vlivu eroze na geometrické objekty Erosion simulation is an important problem in the field of computer graphics. The most prominent erosion processes in nature are weathering and hydraulic erosion. Many methods address these problems but they are mostly based on height fields or volumetric data. Height fields do not... |
Hercig, Tomáš
Aspekty analýzy sentimentu Sentiment analysis is a sub-field of natural language processing. Generally, it deals with an automatic extraction and analysis of sentiments, opinions, emotions, and beliefs expressed in written text. Sentiment analysis has become a mainstream research field since the early 20... |
Puchr, Ivan
Ppravděpodobnostní poradní subsystém jako součást distribuovaného řídicího systému složitého průmyslového procesu Complex industrial processes are usually controlled by advanced control systems. The control system guarantees basic functioning of the process, but a part of responsibility for the setting of several parameters is left to operators. As the settings of these parameters can substantially ... |
Matějka, Luboš
Dynamické směrování v distribuovaných souborových systémech The thesis describes new distributed file system KIVFS, its modules and attributes. Further, the thesis deals with the problem of interconnecting of distributed file system and mobile devices. Based on found limitations as are restricted data and energy sources or unstable and various... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra informatiky a výpočetní techniky / Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- 15 2020 - 2024
- 28 2012 - 2019