Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 251
Hrbková, Kateřina
Testování materiálů lezeckých chytů

My bachelor's thesis focuses on the production of silicone molds, the production of climbing holds and the subsequent assembly of the holds on the climbing wall. As part of my work, I worked with various materials and created climbing grips that will be used in ...

Bulínová, Václava
Schopnost dětí v mateřské škole transformovat dimenzi

This bachelor's thesis aimed to determine the success rate of children aged five to six years in solving tasks related to spatial orientation. The study also compared the success rate of solving tasks that required transformation from plane to space and those that&...

Adamová, Veronika
Schopnost dětí v mateřské škole pracovat se shodnými zobrazeními

This bachelor's thesis entitled "The ability of kindergarten children to work with congruent representations" aimed to determine the success of individual kindergarten children participating in this experiment in performing tasks aimed at working with congruent representations and the difficu...

Karpovich, Viktor
Některé metody řešení rovnic a jejich soustav

This thesis describes various methods of solving equations and their systems, including the use of computational tools. The introduction describes the objectives of this work, its significance and other main parts. The second chapter, "Types of equations and basic methods o...

Kuneš, Jan
Využití výpočetní techniky při řešení soustav rovnic ve výuce matematiky

The bachelor thesis focuses on solving systems of equations in primary and secondary school. The thesis contains a number methods of solution. Other parts of the thesis are devoted to mathematical software and its use in solving systems of equations in education. In the thesis...

Rašková, Kateřina
Vyšetřování vlastností a významných prvků binárních operací

This bachelor thesis is focused on examination of properties and important elements of binary operations. The main part of the thesis is entirely theoretical, and the end is practical. In the theoretical part, terms like cartesian product, relation and mapping are defined, thanks t...

Křišťanová, Kristýna
Využití prostředí Wolfram|Alpha ve vybraných oblastech školské matematiky

This bachelor thesis deals with the use of the web application Wolfram|Alpha in selected areas of school mathematics. The first chapter introduces the Wolfram|Alpha web application. The second chapter is devoted to a detailed description of the control of this application. The third...

Bohuslav, Vít
Využití programu GeoGebra ve vybraných oblastech školské matematiky

Bachelor's thesis focused on the possibilities of using the GeoGebra software in teaching mathematics. In the thesis, representations of linear, quadratic and linear curve function using the program are discussed together with solved examples that show the connection between equations and...

Lisý, Štěpán
Využití programu GeoGebra při řešení úloh o pohybu

This bachelor thesis is devoted to word problems about motion and their solution in the GeoGebra program. The work is divided into two main chapters. In the first chapter, the term word problem is defined, the benefit of word problems for students, their division and poss...

Cajthamlová, Michaela
Prvočísla: klasické a nové poznatky

This work is focused on classical and new knowledge about prime numbers. Contains the history of prime numbers, methods and algorithms for verifying prime numbers, and methods for factoring natural numbers. Then the prime number function and the ways in which prime numbers are ...

Marek, Petr
Soustavy algebraických rovnic

This bachelor's thesis deals with the solution of systems of polynomial equations, solved both using elementary solution methods and using the resultant and computer programs for their calculation. The work presents three elementary methods, the concept of resultant, methods for its effi...

Měsíček, Michal
Mechanické vlnění ve školské fyzice

This bachelor thesis deals with mechanical waves and their teaching in school physics. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The first part includes necessary theory about waves, as well as an analysis of the textbook for primary schools and a review of&#...

Korbel, Lukáš
Optika ve světě zvířat

The bachelor thesis is aimed at the topic of eyesight. It is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The introduction to the theoretical part concerns the human eye, its structure and its function. In the next part, the animal eye is introduced, and the chambered...

Soukup, Vojtěch
Manipulační automat v primárním vzdělávání

The aim of the work is to create a programmable learning module for primary school students. At the same time, the work aims to introduce automation as such, describe its history, basic principles of sensors and automatic control. It describes in detail the design, fabrication...

Bajer, Matěj
Algoritmické myšlení a jeho rozvoj na ZŠ

The aim of the bachelor thesis was to analyse the new educational framework programme 2021 and the curriculum of selected schools in Pilsen. Subsequently, we created a questionnaire and sent it to the schools whose curriculum was analyzed in order to get an overview of ho...

Vávrová, Adéla
Kubické a bikvadratické rovnice

This bachelor's thesis focuses on cubic and biquadratic equations and provides an overview of the necessary mathematical apparatus for their solution. The thesis is structured into five chapters covering complex numbers and operations with them, transformations of equations, the history of&#x...

Marešová, Eva
Vybrané zajímavé matematické a logické problémy

The bachelor thesis deals with selected interesting mathematical and logical problems. It describes their historical origin and course. It represents the assignment of each task and its variants. After the assignment, the solution to the problem is always discussed in detail. The ...

Soulková, Adéla
Řešené příklady algebraických struktur s jednou a se dvěma binárními operacemi

Bachelor thesis is about algebraic structure with one or with two binary operations. My bachelor thesis will help other future students of elementary algebra. In work are introduced algebraic structures and their properties. The parts of my work are sample examples with a solution&...

Bloch, Jiří
James Joseph Sylvester a jeho přínos elementární algebře

This bachelor's thesis deals with the life and work of the famous English mathematician of the 19th century, James Joseph Sylvester. The bachelor thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter I wrote down the whole life of Sylvester. In the second chapter,...

Franková, Aneta
Vybrané možnosti užití matic

This bachelor's thesis is focused on matrices and their use. The work is divided into individual chapters according to the content. In the first part of the work, the basic terms and definitions associated with matrix theory are presented. The following chapters are then d...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 251