Disertační práce / Dissertations (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Behenský, David
Postoj Armády České republiky k budování vztahu s veřejností The object of this work is a description of the tools that the Czech Armed Forces uses to communicate with the public. The development of military marketing and legislative elements of the public communication. The main core of the work is methodological guideline of specific&... |
Caisová, Lenka
Postavení Korejské lidově demokratické republiky (KLDR) v mezinárodním systému od roku 1945 do současnosti In this dissertation thesis, I analyse North Korean foreign policy between 1994 and 2015 using conceptual and theoretic framework of the role theory which has not been comprehensively used for North Korean case yet. My goal is to better understand how the North Korea perceives... |
Zákravský, Jiří
Baskický nacionalismus The aim of my thesis "Sport as a Political Tool of the Stateless Nations. Case Study of football in Basque Country" is to analyze the football as a political tool in the context of the Basque nationalism. The main goal is to analyze especially the use of... |
Naxera, Vladimír
Korupce, klientelismus a stranická patronáž v komunistických režimech a v průběhu postkomunistické transformace ? studie z prostředí Československa/České republiky The submitted dissertation thesis is a partial component of the Czech research of corruption and clientelism. This study has not covered the whole spectrum of corruption, clientelism and party patronage, which actually was not the goal of the thesis. The object of the text is&... |
Ponížilová, Martina
Vývoj a formování regionálního řádu Blízkého východu na pozadí soupeření regionálních mocností This dissertation thesis deals with the development and shaping of the regional order in the Middle East against the background of the rivalry among regional powers. Its aim is to show how the changes in the distribution of power in the region and rivalry of regional ... |
Mertl, Jiří
Přerozdělování welfare: nástroj pomoci nebo kontroly? The text represents interdisciplinary research of welfare surveillance as the essential part of contemporary Western social systems after the neoliberal discursive turn in 80's when two processes has begun delegitimization of the social state and its replacement with the minimal state... |
Krčál, Petr
Problematika legitimity ve společnosti s neoliberální praxí - penální stát a jeho instituce This dissertation thesis is called "The Issues of Legitimacy in Society after the Neoliberal Revolution". The main theme of this paper is analysis of interaction between the institution of punishment, society and legitimacy of state apparatuses. This thesis tries to explain how... |
Stulík, Ondřej
Jednorozměrná demokracie: případová studie otevřené společnosti K.R. Poppera The open society paradigm is based upon the assumption of rational action of humans set in a society whose basic logic of operation is analogous to market mechanisms. This assumption leads to a specific theory of democracy which is at its basis processual and, at the ... |
Pitrová, Miroslava
Německá komunální politika. Postavení obcí v rámci systému veřejné správy ve starých a nových spolkových zemích The primary aim of this work was a description and analysis of municipal politics in the Federal Republic of Germany. The main attention was devoted to the organization and functioning of self-governing units. We were interested how the German system anchored municipalities - the... |
Piknerová, Linda
Integrační procesy v Africe The objective of the present dissertation is to analyse microregional integration projects in Southern Africa and find out whether their successful functioning is the result of the economic profit that the stakeholders derive from them. To achieve this objective, the paper is divided... |
Behenský, David
Postoj Armády České republiky k budování vztahu s veřejností The submitted dissertation thesis handles the attitude of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic towards communication with the public and focuses on the discursive processes which the army tries to use in order to gain legitimacy resulting from sympathies of the general public.... |
Naxera, Vladimír
Korupce, klientelismus a stranická patronáž v komunistických režimech a v průběhu postkomunistické transformace - studie z prostředí Československa/České republiky The submitted dissertation thesis is a partial component of the Czech research of corruption and clientelism. This study has not covered the whole spectrum of corruption, clientelism and party patronage, which actually was not the goal of the thesis. The object of the text is&... |
Jurek, Petr
Oligarchizace, personalizace a prezidencializace v soudobých demokraciích The dissertation thesis deals with the personalization and presidentialization of political systems. Both concepts focus on the changing importance of political actors being of collective and individual character, and in particular on the rising influence of individual actors to the prejudice... |