Disertační práce / Dissertations (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štěpánek, Martin
Výzkum navrhování komponent vozidel s využitím nových materiálů a technologií The research is focused on the additive manufacturing of metal components stressed by cyclic loading, the failure of which can be caused by so-called multiaxial fatigue. The result of the conducted research is a suitable combination of topological optimization possibiliti... |
Švagr, Marcel
Výzkum kmitání na soustružnickém centru The thesis deals with determination of eigenfrequencies, eigenshapes, maximum oscillation amplitude at the cutting tool location, negative real-oriented compliance and their evaluation. The goal is to compile a methodology leading to a determination of the dynamic properties of the machine in... |
Kašpar, Jaromír
Výzkum navrhování komponent strojů s využitím nových materiálů a technologií The thesis is focused on a fatigue of stamped parts. The goal is to propose techniques and methods which allows to consider forming process and its impact on life-time. Especially, initial design phase is inspected when details of production process are unknown. Inverse approach... |
Habrman, Martin
Výzkum plastových výrobků s ohledem na jejich technologii výroby The aim of this dissertation is to investigate injection moulding into 3D printed plastic inserts and help with their application. Although this idea is relatively new, some solutions have already been found. In addition to a review of existing solutions and their possibilities, th... |
Dekastello, Jiří
Výzkum a inovace klíčových konstrukčních skupin lisů a jejich příslušenství The work is focused on the determination of the energy balance of the forging press, especially on the lost work caused by friction in the shaft bushings. An introduction to the problem is followed by the presentation of 4 approaches to the basic calculation of frictional... |
Janda, Petr
Optimalizace využívání CA technologií pro vývoj technického zařízení The dissertation focuses on the issue of optimizing the use of CA technologies for technical product development. The solution takes into account the specifics of the development of heavy machine tools, for which the optimization is solved. The first part of the thesis contains... |
Tančin, Milan
Sendvičové konstrukce ve stavbě obráběcích strojů This work relates to understand problematics of sandwich materials, opportunities for their testing and using for design of machining machines. The main goal of this work is a benefit in area of using these materials as substitute instead of conventional materials for concrete usin... |
Sika, Jiří
Predikce hluku s podporou měření a počítačových simulací The aim of the work was to create a usable calculation procedure for the prediction of noise levels in closed rooms. The biggest benefit of this computational approach is the possibility of rapid calculation of changes in sound pressure levels after acoustic adjustments. The c... |
Limberg, Luboš
Minerální litiny ve stavbě obráběcích strojů This paper focuses on an initial summary of properties of polymer concrete. These properties are investigate in direct comparison with metallic materials. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether polymer concrete is a suitable alternative for use in machine tool construction. |
Marek, Václav
Teplotní deformace obráběcího centra Thesis is focused on thermal displacements of a milling centre. Main phenomena of this branch were described. Calculations of thermal processes were shown. New approach in these calculations has been done with respect to optimization during the design process. |
Skovajsa, Michal
Metodika návrhu a výroby skořepinových rámů závodních automobilů This dissertation deals with the determination of a methodology for manufacturing and designing racing car monocoques. The main goal was to determine a methodology for manufacturing and designing a composite sandwich panel with verification using several experimental measurements. The overall met... |
Volejníček, Martin
Výzkum a vývoj konstrukčních řešení velkých klikových lisů Crank forging presses are an essential part of production in many industries branches, because it is a very economical production of components with complex shapes, which should also have good material characteristics. They are mainly used in the production of parts for the automot... |
Dvořák, Josef
Teorie a metodika komplexní predikce a analýzy rizik konstruovaných technických produktů The dissertation thesis is focused on the risk prediction and analyses of designed technical products within their life cycle. The introductory part contains a review of the state of knowledge in the field of product life cycle, risk and methods of prediction and risk analysis... |
Kopecký, Martin
Teorie a metodika návrhu technických produktů se zaměřením na zvýšení efektivity výrobních procesů Dissertation is focused on to increase efficiency the engineering design process of technical products, which are used at assembly processes. First part contains theoretical background about innovation of production processes. Theoretical and methodological support is based on Engineering Design ... |
Sedláček, František
Metodika návrhu pokročilých flexibilních komponent z kompozitních materiálů za využití numerických simulací This paper deals with the determination of methodology of design of advanced composite flexible couplings using virtual prototyping and numerical simulations, that are supported by data obtained from experimental measurements and functional test samples. The currently used composite reinforcement mate... |
Gorschenek, Martin
Výzkum využití nekovových materiálů ve stavbě strojů a zařízení The work is focused on the possibility of using polymeric materials in the area of single-purpose machines covering and selecting suitable material as a replacement of metal (or other) in order to improve some characteristics (eg weight or price savings). The main benefit of t... |
Chotovinský, Ondřej
Design autonomních vozidel s ohledem na ikluzivity a městskou mobilitu The motivation behind this dissertation thesis is to help to provide a more inclusive environment for urban citizens, daily commuters, disabled persons, and communities by bringing innovative technologies to anyone focusing on autonomous driving solutions. The work will look at the vehicle... |
Jirásko, Jakub
Metody optimalizace spolehlivosti a renovace výrobních zařízení This work is focused on the theory and methodology for achieving higher precision in presses for the automotive industry. In the first part of the thesis is an introduction to the area of presses and a theory related to the accuracy. The next part of the thesis ... |
Hájíček, Zdeněk
Využití virtuálního prototypingu v průběhu vývoje obráběcích strojů This dissertation deals with the usage of virtual prototyping during the development of Machine Tools. It is focused on the problems of using simulations for heavy Machine Tools. It described the current process of the developing phases and include a virtual machine as ... |
Tříska, Ladislav
Výzkum a vývoj hybridních skříní pro kolejová vozidla - hmotnostně úsporné prvky větracího systému The project involves designing and testing a new concept of the ventilation system for urban mass transit vehicles. The key merits sought include weight savings in the entire system, straightforward installation and reduced noise of the ventilation system. This dissertation focuses on c... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra konstruování strojů / Department of Machine Design