Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Komárek, Daniel
Organizace StB v letech 1945 - 1989 a její právní úprava The bachelor thesis deals with the State Security from its establishment in 1945 to its abolition in 1990. The thesis focuses on the development, organization and activities of the StB, including some specific operations linked to certain milestones of the communist regime. |
Pánek, Martin
Země České Koruny a jejich správa v husitské revoluci The bachelor's thesis deals with public administration in the Czech lands during the Hussite revolution. How much influence was there on the part of the Hussites and what changes took place. Different Hussite factions are described, because in each of them the public administra... |
Hrabec, Jakub
Právní struktura římské rodiny The thesis succinctly describes the legal structure of the Roman family. First of all, it discusses the Roman family system, i.e. the gradual evolution from the family to the Roman nation. It also discusses religion, which was part of not only family life, but also public... |
Srbený, Tomáš
Postavení ženy v římském právu This bachelor thesis focuses on the status of women in Roman law. The main aim is to describe this position and to show how some elements of this law have been reflected in the law of today. The concept of the status of women in Roman law is a very... |
Šmrhová, Anna
Římské dědické právo The topic of the bachelor thesis is Roman inheritance law. The author tries to evaluate and approach Roman inheritance law and compare it with current legal regulations. The thesis deals with the development of Roman law and explains the basic concepts related to inheritance law |
Petřík, Dominik
Římské právo na středověkých univerzitách The bachelor's thesis deals with the study of Roman law at medieval universities, where the main part is devoted to the time since the rediscovery of the Roman law collections in the 12th century. The aim of the work is to define the famous arrival and effe... |
Kubeš, Michal
Právo věci v římském právu This bachelor thesis deals with the law of things in Roman law. The main topic is division of things according to important Roman lawyers. There is also a historical content of ancient Rome or brief division of rights in rem. Comparison and projection of Roman law in... |
Přikrylová, Veronika
Vývoj správy berních povinností v českých zemích The bachelor thesis deals with the development of tax administrations in the Czech lands. The aim of the work is to acquaint the reader with the development and history of taxes in the Czech lands and to characterize them. Describe the functioning of the tax system i... |
Plhalová, Aneta
Ústavní vývoj ve druhé polovině 19. století The focus of this thesis is the constitutional development in the second half of the 19th century. In order to see the overall contemporary situation, including both the legal and the social climate, the thesis is enriched by the necessary historical context. The Revolutionary ... |
Rybářová, Sabina
Postavení žen v římském právu The key objective of my Bachelor's thesis is to analyse and summarise women's legal rights in Rome. The emphasis is to highlight the position of women in the Roman family as well as in society. The notion of the legal status of women in Roman law is... |
Levinskaya, Maria
Správní organizace ve 20. letech 20. století The topic of this work is the organization of administration in the period of early development of the Czechoslovak Republic. However, the organization of administration in the whole territory of the Czechoslovak Republic did not proceed in the same way, and therefore we will ... |
Neumanová, Barbora
Osvícenské reformy Marie Terezie In my Bachelor Thesis "The Enlightened Reforms of Maria Theresa" I apply my mind to her enlightened reforms. I turn my attention, among other things, to the reforms of the army, the tax, the state administration and the judiciary, the subjective and Church reforms an... |
Vodička, Marek
Maiestas Carolina - právněhistorický rozbor In my bachelor thesis "Maiestas Carolina - historical juristic analysis" I apply my mind to the most famous work of Charles IV - a proposal of the code to Maiestas Carolina. Firstly, I briefly describe the historical context in the time of Charles, his childhood,... |
Jareš, Radek
Proměna státní správy na základě reforem M. Terezie a Josefa II. The topic of the thesis, changes in government from the central level to the municipal administration during the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. |
Polák, Michal
Institut otroctví v římském právu This thesis concerns with the slavery in ancient Rome. The attention is pointed toward concept of slavery and its evolution in each of the ancient Rome periods. Next, the thesis is focused on the legal status of the slaves, origins and demises of slave status. In the... |
Regula, Jan
Správa přímých daní v 1. polovině 20.století v českých zemích This bachelor thesis deals with a topic of direct taxation administration in the first half of the 20th century. It discusses the Tax Administration as an organization and the administration of taxes as a process. Firstly it summarizes an evolution of taxation. Then the... |
Homolka, Pavel
Srovnání ochrany smluvních stran v antickém Římě s ochranou poskytovanou smluvním stranám v současnosti v České republice Work acquaints with the features of the Parties in Roman law from the general, such as good manners, through more specific as error and the fraud to direct demonstration examples of most frequently used contracts. This protection is continuously compared with the protection provide... |
Lamka, Jan
Vývoj československého soudnictví v letech 1948 - 1960. The thesis focuses on changes that took place in Czechoslovakia republic in February 1948 which were natural evolution since May 1945 and of course the changes could not affect juridical organisation and the court proceedings. |
Soukupová, Simona
Evidence nemovitostí v Čechách a na Moravě (vývoj katastru nemovitostí). The dissertation´s aim is to inform its readers with the development of inventories of immovable property, thus with land registry of the area of the Czech Republic throughout the history. The dissertation not only focuses on facts´ enumeration but also tries to think about th... |
Šrubař, Zbyněk
Studie veřejné správy v letech 1918-1989 - komparativní pojetí This thesis handles certain view to the history of public administration in Czechoslovakia, sice its inception in 1918 to breakthrough in 1989. Seeks to analyze the various periods in which the development of public administration in those years passed and subsequently they approximate&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra právních dějin / Department of Legal History