Diplomové práce / Theses (KPO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Žák, Jan
Milostivé léto This thesis explores the amnesty institution of The Summer of Grace, which has roots reaching back to the biblical traditions of the Old Testament, where every fifty years a period was declared for the forgiveness of debts, the return of land to its original owners, and... |
Vejnarová, Veronika
Přídatné spoluvlastnictví The topic of the thesis is the additional co-ownership and its regulation in the Czech Civil Code. It is a special type of co- ownership based on the ownership of separate items by different owners, which form a unit defined in terms of place and purpose. The jo... |
Horáková, Anna
Mediace jako alternativní rešení sporů v rodinněprávních vztazích This thesis focuses on the institution of mediation in family law disputes. It includes a historical overview, the nature and objectives of mediation as a whole, including the procedural aspect. Furthermore, the thesis includes the person of the mediator and the conditions of pract... |
Boučková, Kateřina
Újma způsobená narozením dítěte The present thesis Harm as a Result of Childbirth deals with claims for damages for injury caused by the birth of a child as a result of the misconduct of a health care provider. First, the concept of wrongful birth claims and its possible subdivisions were discussed... |
Molnárová, Anna
Odporové žaloby v insolvenčním řízení This thesis deals with resistance disputes, i.e. conflicts about authenticity, amount, and order, that occur during insolvency proceedings. The introduction to the thesis will be a revision of filed claims, which is a crucial part of insolvency proceedings. This will be followed by ... |
Kačerik, Matěj
Souběh exekucí The diploma thesis is divided into essential chapters, where the first part deals with what is the execution in general and explains the whole procedure and the most important institutes for the whole execution procedure. In the second part, the thesis deals with the actual... |
Nosková, Kateřina
Hromadné žaloby This thesis deals with the issue of class actions. It focuses on their teleological definition and anchoring of the institute in recent legislation. The recent legislation includes both the European and the recent Czech legislation and those several drafts of the law regarding clas... |
Zmrhalová, Julie
Srovnání exekučního řízení a oddlužení fyzické osoby z pohledu věřitele The topic of the thesis is to compare enforcement proceedings and debt relief for individuals from the creditor's perspective. The aim is to describe the process of both types of proceedings, in which the satisfaction of the creditor's claim, or legitimate interest, is addr... |
Ryvolová, Aneta
Kárná odpovědnost advokátů The aim of this diploma thesis is to examine the nature and extent of disciplinary liability of lawyers, to analyze its legal framework. The work provides a theoretical summary of terms related to the disciplinary liability of lawyers, followed by a description of the discipli... |
Štichová, Klára
Pozemkové služebnosti The thesis deals with the issue of land servitudes. The aim of this thesis is to map out the institute of land servitudes, to point out the interpretative ambiguities and to try to make de lege ferenda proposals. For this purpose, the thesis begins with a historical&... |
Josiek, Radomír
Podílové spoluvlastnictví The subject of the thesis is co-ownership. Firstly, the historical development of co-ownership is outlined, followed by an examination of the concept of co-ownership. The next section of the thesis addresses the formation of co-ownership. Subsequently, the issue of co-ownership share is ... |
Javorský, Jakub
Věcná břemena s veřejnoprávním prvkem This thesis deals with easements with public law element. The first chapter deals with rights to the belongings of others according to the Civil code,which includes easements. Second chapter is about the historical evolution of the legal regulation of easements. Third chapter provides... |
Vaňková, Simona
Privilegované závěti This thesis deals with the institution of privileged wills in the current legal system. The thesis examines the re-establishment of this institute in Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, and focuses on the analysis of the legislators' intentions and other factors that have s... |
Hájek, Bořivoj
Promlčení práva na náhradu škody The thesis focuses on the issue of the statute of limitations for compensation for damages. The introductory chapters examine the statute of limitations, including the running of limitation periods, as well as the statute of limitations objection. Subsequently, both property and non-property... |
Nováková, Zuzana
Nesezdané soužití Cohabitation as an alternative form of partnership is a phenomenon of modern times. The content of unmarried relationships often overlaps with institutionalized forms of partnership, de lege lata there are significant differences between them. The main goal of this thesis is to provide&... |
Vávrová, Veronika
Uplatnění zástavního práva v insolvenčním řízení This thesis deals with the application of lien in insolvency proceedings. The aim of this thesis is mainly to analyse in detail the interconnection of these two institutes, to define the key substantive concepts, but also procedural issues. The first two chapters, which are of... |
Šindelářová, Jana
Důkazní břemeno This thesis is divided into an introduction, 5 chapters and a conclusion. It focuses on various aspects of the burden of proof in civil proceedings, including its definition, the division into subjective and objective, and the connection with the process of proof. The chapters ... |
Chromá, Eliška
Právní postavení dítěte v zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc The thesis deals with the legal status of a child in a facility for children requiring immediate assistance. The thesis defines basic concepts such as social-legal protection of the child, a social-legal protection facility, where the focus is primarily on a facility for children... |
Noll, Tomáš
Soudní smír This thesis focuses on a detailed analysis and description of the conciliation proceeding in the Czech legal system, providing a comprehensive perspective. Attention is also given to the historical development of the conciliation proceeding from Roman law to the present. The thesis ment... |
Hrůzová, Nikola
Vyvlastnění a omezení vlastnického práva The thesis focuses on the right of ownership and the ways of its limitation, including expropriation. Its content is divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter deals with the restriction and deprivation of the right of property of Jews in the territory of the Protectorate ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra občanského práva / Department of Civil Right